Provider’s “maximum speed” - advertising trick

    The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published a report stating that in their advertising, Internet service providers overshoot the maximum data transfer rate on the network relative to the real speed by 63-116%.

    According to the FCC at the beginning of 2009, on average, broadband providers announced a maximum speed of 6.7 Mbit / s. However, the analysis showed that the real speed in the first half of the year was 3.1 Mbit / s (median) or 4.1 Mbit / s (arithmetic mean). Thus, the maximum speed declared by the provider is more than 63% higher than the average network speed, which may mislead the consumer of services.

    The FCC recommended the use of other language in advertising. It is advisable to indicate not only the maximum, but also the average access speed on the network.

    They even designed standard information labels for ISPs.

    If you look at the real picture, then most Americans de facto use a rather slow Internet.

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