Sort speed record: 1 terabyte per minute

    Computer scientists from the University of California for the first time broke the barrier of 1 TB per minute in sorting speed. The system they designed showed 1.014 TB in the Indy Minute Sort test at the 2010 Sort Benchmark . A cluster of 52 servers was used , each equipped with two four-core processors, 24 GB of memory and 16 500 GB hard disks.

    They also repeated the old world record in the Indy Gray Sort test for sorting trillion records (result: 172 minutes, that is, 0.582 TB per minute), and the system they created used four times less resources than the one to which the previous achievement belonged. A cluster of 47 servers of the configuration described above worked here.

    The results are shown on Indy tests, i.e. the data set is partially optimized for maximum performance (see rules ). Now the record holders are preparing for Daytona tests and applying their developments to real tasks.

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