Your mind is a crime scene

    PASIV DeviceThe last page of the instruction manual for the mysterious PASIV (Portable Automated Somnacin IntraVenous) MV-235A reads. All you need is to connect a container with Somnacin, insert a needle into a vein, press a button and your mind becomes the scene of an ideal crime.

    Secrets, secrets - all this no longer exists, and personal space has already ceased to be so. Do you believe in the safety of your own consciousness? Are you sure that your thoughts are really yours ?

    In early April , people in white T-shirts with QR codes were spotted at the WonderCon conference in San Francisco. When decrypting, the codes sent participants to .
    PASIV Device

    The site contains the instruction manual for the PASIV device. Using a special drug, PASIV sends a person into a controlled sleep, in which he is most vulnerable to external influences. At the moment when the mind is under the control of the subconscious, someone from the outside can easily penetrate your consciousness and find out all your secrets. Sounds weird, probably the next freak trick?

    In June, posters began to appear on the streets of Chicago and other major US cities that called for thinking about protecting their thoughts today.

    Mind crime

    At the same time, some journalists and people from the media industry received boxes with a USB flash drive and an object that resembles a small spinning top:

    Mind crime

    QR codes led to , where the user was asked to create their own maze and go through it in 10 minutes. was the main site of the viral campaign dedicated to the release of Christopher Nolan's film “Inception” (“Beginning” at the Russian box office). And what about dreams? The main character of the film performed by Leonardo DiCaprio is a professional thief of ideas. The victim is put to sleep and becomes completely defenseless. Any idea of ​​the subject can be easily stolen, and some ideas can even be imposed ...

    Update: If you have not watched the film - do not read the comments, SPOILERS !
    Update 2: A good decoding of the ending of the

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