Phonetic keyboard layout JCUKEN

    On most Soviet computers, the phonetic layout of JCUKEN was common. I think that those who started working with computers in those days found it, and actually studied it before QWERTY dominated with the advent of American computers.

    The advantage of the phonetic layout is that it is studied very quickly if the layout on which it is based is studied. It is also very convenient to print in transliteration, and if irritation starts to print in the wrong layout, you see not abracadabru, but a readable word.

    As a result, I conducted an experiment on myself in which I created this layout, and for the minimum time I learned to type blindly on it.

    I changed the layout a little, so that there was more compatibility with modern keyboards, and besides, I did not want to carry a comma at all. The changes are insignificant, the letter X is left where it was (on H), the letter B is transferred to b. The semicolon and colon are moved to b. At first there was even a version where V was in Russian, but in the end I refused it in favor of the classic version (with the letter W), although this creates some inconvenience with Ctrl + V.

    Before that, I typed blindly with the following parameters:
    - print speed Russian text in the YTsUKEN layout - 300-350 characters / min;
    - The speed of printing English text in the QWERTY layout is 270-300 characters / min.

    The experiment showed the following:
    - I was able to immediately print in JCUKEN at a speed of 80 characters / min;
    - for five days I trained to print in this layout for half an hour / hour per day;
    - at the time of printing, sometimes he presented the Russian word as printing, apparently due to this a fairly high speed was immediately;
    - daily measured speed after lessons, it grew by about 30 characters per minute per day;
    - at the end of five days, the speed increased to 230 characters per minute, this was enough for full work;
    - after these five days, the growth in speed almost stopped, the number of errors began to decrease;
    - I can’t print on QWERTY in order to return to it, I have to relearn (so think twice if you decide to repeat my experiment).

    Now, in terms of speed, I am gradually returning to the previous QWERTY level, but have not yet completely got rid of errors, some letters are sometimes typed as before. It is also necessary to take into account that I had a very strong desire to study this layout in a minimum of time, otherwise I would have to turn off the experiment and return my previous skills.

    The layout for Windows can be taken here:
    Instructions for installing it in Ubuntu Linux are in my Learn
    Macintosh version still in the manufacturing process.

    You can train in the Klavarog online keyboard simulator , in the list of layouts with the selected English text it is called “jcuken”.

    As a result of this experiment, he decided to stay at JCUKEN, even despite some inconvenience. I'm going to stick a new keyboard layout on my laptop, although I type blindly, just for aesthetic purposes (to mock friends :)

    It is recommended for those who have mastered blind typing in YTsUKEN well that there is no desire to learn QWERTY from scratch (this is quite a long time), those who previously worked at JCUKEN, and want to return to it now (like me), well, to Russian patriots who do not want to bend under the QWERTY imposed on everyone, which was developed to slow down the work so that the percussion mechanism of typewriters does not wedge, and when trained, it’s very strongly with little fingers are mourned.

    Those who have already studied QWERTY, and still work on other people's computers, it is better to refrain from studying this layout, this will not give noticeable print speed, but only create unnecessary difficulties. And there is also a phonetic layout of YAVERTA, and it is available initially in all operating systems, and it is suitable for those who have been working on QWERTY for a long time, and have not yet studied YTsUKEN.

    It would be interesting to know the opinions of those who work in other layouts, such as Dvorak.

    PS I am tormented by a very strong desire to swap W and V, then Ctrl + V will be next to Ctrl + X and Ctrl + C, and W will be together with a similar F, and it’s accepted to write transliteration V instead of Russian V.

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