Making the Google Mail Chrome app work with mail on your domain in Google AppEngine

    More recently, a note appeared that the next dev-build of Google Chrome began to support Chrome Apps. Undoubtedly, this is good news, only the Google Mail application by default only works with standard @ mail , and it has no settings. This problem is easy to fix.

    Find the manifest.json file that corresponds to the application (in ubuntu, it lies in the / opt / google / chrome / resources / gmail_app directory). Now in this file you need to replace the value of web_url from the standard one to your_domain / .
    If you want the browser to open a tab with the application when clicking on any link to mail in your domain, right after the line
    "urls": [
    add line
    " *: // your_domain / ",

    Under the cut version of manifest.json "before" and "after".

    manifest.js before editing:

     "key": "XX2fMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCfjDZDDE/CHFEYjpPSDjdI3zphzGo7fSxO3+/pQs++FwvA+OpKKhmBga2Sa+f53ujDlPR8Q6mCvy1lXM4M4zD4Hg3lH2LC1wT/YXxJ28afRYW1yEo6/pbpHazij3+FneGMT2xcTyGvgoacJHXOTUqWyCN7qMOCiFDwQ6Uk1zJOPQIDAQAB",
     "name": "Google Mail",
     "version": "1",
     "icons": {
      "128": "128.png",
      "24": "24.png",
      "32": "32.png",
      "48": "48.png"
     "permissions": [ "notifications" ],
     "app": {
      "urls": [
      "launch": {
       "web_url": ""

    * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter.

    manifest.js after editing:

     "key": "XX2fMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCfjDZDDE/CHFEYjpPSDjdI3zphzGo7fSxO3+/pQs++FwvA+OpKKhmBga2Sa+f53ujDlPR8Q6mCvy1lXM4M4zD4Hg3lH2LC1wT/YXxJ28afRYW1yEo6/pbpHazij3+FneGMT2xcTyGvgoacJHXOTUqWyCN7qMOCiFDwQ6Uk1zJOPQIDAQAB",
     "name": "Google Mail",
     "version": "1",
     "icons": {
      "128": "128.png",
      "24": "24.png",
      "32": "32.png",
      "48": "48.png"
     "permissions": [ "notifications" ],
     "app": {
      "urls": [
      "launch": {
       "web_url": "ваш_домен/"

    * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter.

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