Habrafootball: organizational post

    So, the promised organizing post on the subject of hubrafootball .

    The picture for attracting attention is the same, sorry: The game is postponed to Monday - due to the weather. On Monday, they seem to promise no rain , and cooler. We start at 13 o’clock to the stop. It will be possible to drive up later, everyone will have the opportunity to join the game on a replacement. Captains of teams will be willing - be offered. If there are many who want to, then those who will stand at the gate :) I will announce the place later - most likely, Akademicheskaya metro area or near Polezhaevskaya . Tomorrow I’m going to watch :) The ball is still relevant :) This post is a collection of participants' emails.
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    I will send out invitations and address on Sunday. Please write only if you are sure or almost sure that you can be.

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