Eight Brave, or “Calls Taimyr!”, Part One
Our company, of course, operates in a highly technological market, but normal living people with healthy interests and love for outdoor activities work in it. Therefore, today, on Friday, we decided to publish material not quite typical for Habr - a report on the trip of several company employees to the Taimyr Peninsula, which took place last summer.
The idea of a trip to such a remote and untouched place arose spontaneously, but received wide support and heated discussion. What ultimately came out of the idea - read on.

To describe our adventures in detail, the post format is definitely not enough, the material will be typed into an average brochure. Therefore, we will primarily focus on photographs, and tell what is depicted on them. Photos were not processed in any way, with the exception of downsizing. The author of the photos is our employee Maxim Klimko. He is an avid fisherman and lover of northern recreation. At times it even seems that the gloomy Karelian rivers are nicer to him than the warm sea and the soft sand of Turkish (and other) beaches. Maxim was the main instigator of the trip. The rest, not smelling gunpowder like wanderings, the idea at first seemed unrealistic, but, on a mature reflection, we decided "why not", and began to prepare. In addition to buying air tickets and equipment (about it a little lower), before the trip you need to take care of the statement of the authorities, in particular, local Ministry of Emergencies and the management of the reserve to inform about the upcoming visit. The peninsula has been declared a reserve and entry into it is restricted, and rumor has it that soon they will not let anyone in at all. You can, of course, not let anyone know, but if you are planning a serious expedition, this is important and necessary. In extreme cases, the Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data. The Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data. The Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data.
In general, technically, as a result, we never visited the peninsula itself. All our stay we spent in various places of the deep and elongated Lake Lama. It is located in the nature conservation, conservation and in every way protected zone, right at the beginning of the “leg” of the peninsula. Lake of tectonic origin, in the best places, the depth reaches 800 meters. Sometime even some kind of nuclear tests took place there, but it didn’t affect the cleanliness (at least, official data say so, and trusting them is somehow calmer). All 10 days we cooked and drank water from the lake, and even one of the eight members of the expedition did not even have a banal indigestion.
For the trip, it took a good purchase - everyone needed a sleeping bag, a place in a tent, a backpack for clothes and part of food, various equipment and kitchen utensils. Since food had to be cooked locally, a huge supply of cereals, stews, spices, dry soups and other delicacies was divided into all. It’s easier to carry, and losing / ruining is more difficult. But these are all ordinary tourist moments that are familiar to everyone who has ever gone camping. Therefore, we will not focus on them, and move on to the photo. I will definitely mention one thing - the main high-tech device for you should be a satellite phone, or better two, different systems. And it is advisable to organize charging from solar panels, supplemented by a battery pack in case of bad weather. If something goes wrong, you can contact the rescuers by phone, well, and just have a word with relatives if you get bored. We had two phones, Globalstar and Iridium. Only Iridium worked on Lake Lama, which in principle was enough. Also, a GPS-navigator with height meters, distance traveled and other utilities will be useful. But enough text, move on to the photo.
Norilsk Airport. Of course, we knew that billions of biting insects would not wait for us, but the meeting with them happened all of a sudden, right after leaving the plane.

The luggage looks compact, but the exterior lightness is deceiving. Backpacks of girls weigh under twenty, men - over twenty, sometimes far away.

We waited for the minibus and set off. We are greeted by the morning with cool ...

Picturesque landscapes of Norilsk and its environs. In other parts we will show Norilsk at night. More precisely, at night during the polar day.

From the Ministry of Emergencies, where it was necessary to call in personally, we arrived at the boat station, where a pre-ordered boat was waiting for us. The loading was quick, and literally half an hour later we hit the road. About an hour passed along the Norilsk River and finally went out into the wide water, into the lake.

We go along the lake. Fantastic views open up.

Water surface like a mirror.

Shadow from the cloud is visible.

More views of the lake. In general, we were very lucky with sunny days. Of the 10 days that we were on the lake, 7 were warm and sunny. This is a rarity, even at the end of July.

Even at high speed, biting horseflies (or someone else) managed to attack us. It was necessary to be vigilant, because these beasts needed a bit of preparation time to bite, and the winged adversary could and should be managed to be driven away.

Finally, we came to the parking lot. A sandbank was required where there was a flat place for setting up tents. There are relatively few of them on the lake. In addition, on such “beaches” there are often a lot of dry branches carried out by the spring flood.

Unloading in progress.

Maxim could not stand it and immediately rushed into the water in a special suit with a fishing rod at the ready.

Our captain. He calmly waited for us to unload our belongings and put up our tents, and then he invited me into his cabin, where he poured a pile for everyone upon arrival and handed out venison cutlets for a snack. After such an inspiring event, we rushed to swim. Water is not warmer than eight degrees.

Late evening. The next day we packed up and went on foot along the coast to the second parking lot. In the following parts, we will try to paint all the pleasures of a cross-country trip with a backpack on the back and thousands of hungry mosquitoes around.

Second parking. Tents right on the surf line.

View of the camp. Smokes a fire, ripe soup.

Especially for the expedition we made softshell windbreakers, T-shirts and FLAG.

Neighborhood parking. Mossy cliffs. When walking in the moss, the legs fall a little, the pollen that smells not very pleasant rises. Here, literally, a person’s foot has never set foot.


Surf and giant cobblestones. Legacy of glacier retreat?

The weather turned bad. For two days it was pouring light nasty rain. It was decided to move to the next parking lot on a motor boat of a local resident, an unspoken caretaker of the lake and the owner of a small camp site. Once a day he goes around the land and immediately asked who we are, where we came from and what we are doing here.

We move in parts.

New haven. Lots of dry land. By the time of departure, we “swept” all more or less large branches.

“How do we equip Lake Lama?”

To be continued.
The idea of a trip to such a remote and untouched place arose spontaneously, but received wide support and heated discussion. What ultimately came out of the idea - read on.

To describe our adventures in detail, the post format is definitely not enough, the material will be typed into an average brochure. Therefore, we will primarily focus on photographs, and tell what is depicted on them. Photos were not processed in any way, with the exception of downsizing. The author of the photos is our employee Maxim Klimko. He is an avid fisherman and lover of northern recreation. At times it even seems that the gloomy Karelian rivers are nicer to him than the warm sea and the soft sand of Turkish (and other) beaches. Maxim was the main instigator of the trip. The rest, not smelling gunpowder like wanderings, the idea at first seemed unrealistic, but, on a mature reflection, we decided "why not", and began to prepare. In addition to buying air tickets and equipment (about it a little lower), before the trip you need to take care of the statement of the authorities, in particular, local Ministry of Emergencies and the management of the reserve to inform about the upcoming visit. The peninsula has been declared a reserve and entry into it is restricted, and rumor has it that soon they will not let anyone in at all. You can, of course, not let anyone know, but if you are planning a serious expedition, this is important and necessary. In extreme cases, the Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data. The Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data. The Ministry of Emergencies will have a list of the group and the route of the expedition, so that rescuers will be able to help faster if something happens. So we phoned all services in advance and sent the necessary data.
In general, technically, as a result, we never visited the peninsula itself. All our stay we spent in various places of the deep and elongated Lake Lama. It is located in the nature conservation, conservation and in every way protected zone, right at the beginning of the “leg” of the peninsula. Lake of tectonic origin, in the best places, the depth reaches 800 meters. Sometime even some kind of nuclear tests took place there, but it didn’t affect the cleanliness (at least, official data say so, and trusting them is somehow calmer). All 10 days we cooked and drank water from the lake, and even one of the eight members of the expedition did not even have a banal indigestion.
For the trip, it took a good purchase - everyone needed a sleeping bag, a place in a tent, a backpack for clothes and part of food, various equipment and kitchen utensils. Since food had to be cooked locally, a huge supply of cereals, stews, spices, dry soups and other delicacies was divided into all. It’s easier to carry, and losing / ruining is more difficult. But these are all ordinary tourist moments that are familiar to everyone who has ever gone camping. Therefore, we will not focus on them, and move on to the photo. I will definitely mention one thing - the main high-tech device for you should be a satellite phone, or better two, different systems. And it is advisable to organize charging from solar panels, supplemented by a battery pack in case of bad weather. If something goes wrong, you can contact the rescuers by phone, well, and just have a word with relatives if you get bored. We had two phones, Globalstar and Iridium. Only Iridium worked on Lake Lama, which in principle was enough. Also, a GPS-navigator with height meters, distance traveled and other utilities will be useful. But enough text, move on to the photo.
Norilsk Airport. Of course, we knew that billions of biting insects would not wait for us, but the meeting with them happened all of a sudden, right after leaving the plane.

The luggage looks compact, but the exterior lightness is deceiving. Backpacks of girls weigh under twenty, men - over twenty, sometimes far away.

We waited for the minibus and set off. We are greeted by the morning with cool ...

Picturesque landscapes of Norilsk and its environs. In other parts we will show Norilsk at night. More precisely, at night during the polar day.

From the Ministry of Emergencies, where it was necessary to call in personally, we arrived at the boat station, where a pre-ordered boat was waiting for us. The loading was quick, and literally half an hour later we hit the road. About an hour passed along the Norilsk River and finally went out into the wide water, into the lake.

We go along the lake. Fantastic views open up.

Water surface like a mirror.

Shadow from the cloud is visible.

More views of the lake. In general, we were very lucky with sunny days. Of the 10 days that we were on the lake, 7 were warm and sunny. This is a rarity, even at the end of July.

Even at high speed, biting horseflies (or someone else) managed to attack us. It was necessary to be vigilant, because these beasts needed a bit of preparation time to bite, and the winged adversary could and should be managed to be driven away.

Finally, we came to the parking lot. A sandbank was required where there was a flat place for setting up tents. There are relatively few of them on the lake. In addition, on such “beaches” there are often a lot of dry branches carried out by the spring flood.

Unloading in progress.

Maxim could not stand it and immediately rushed into the water in a special suit with a fishing rod at the ready.

Our captain. He calmly waited for us to unload our belongings and put up our tents, and then he invited me into his cabin, where he poured a pile for everyone upon arrival and handed out venison cutlets for a snack. After such an inspiring event, we rushed to swim. Water is not warmer than eight degrees.

Late evening. The next day we packed up and went on foot along the coast to the second parking lot. In the following parts, we will try to paint all the pleasures of a cross-country trip with a backpack on the back and thousands of hungry mosquitoes around.

Second parking. Tents right on the surf line.

View of the camp. Smokes a fire, ripe soup.

Especially for the expedition we made softshell windbreakers, T-shirts and FLAG.

Neighborhood parking. Mossy cliffs. When walking in the moss, the legs fall a little, the pollen that smells not very pleasant rises. Here, literally, a person’s foot has never set foot.


Surf and giant cobblestones. Legacy of glacier retreat?

The weather turned bad. For two days it was pouring light nasty rain. It was decided to move to the next parking lot on a motor boat of a local resident, an unspoken caretaker of the lake and the owner of a small camp site. Once a day he goes around the land and immediately asked who we are, where we came from and what we are doing here.

We move in parts.

New haven. Lots of dry land. By the time of departure, we “swept” all more or less large branches.

“How do we equip Lake Lama?”

To be continued.