E-NUM client for Android


    Greetings to all for whom in the title all the words are clear!

    Not so long ago, a client appeared for the necessary and convenient E-NUM service for devices running Android OS.

    About him with pictures and other text under the cut.

    How to install

    1. Using a QR code

    If you are reading this article now, and you have the Barcode Scanner application installed on your phone (or some other, but with the same functions), then:
    • launch this application and catch the QR code located below in the camera :
    • as soon as the code is recognized by the application, click the Open browser button
    • follow the instructions of the installer

    2. Find on the market

    A little more complicated than the previous one:

    • Launch the Market application on your phone

    • Press the Search button , enter “e-num” and press Enter on the virtual keyboard

    • Select the “E-NUM” application in the list of found

    • Press the “Install” button ...

    • ... and then click OK button

    • wait a bit and the application will be installed!

    3. Follow the link

    If you are currently reading this page on an Android device, just click here and follow the instructions of the installer.

    How to “pick up” your E-NUM account

    1. Click on the application icon and, while it is loading, contemplate the welcome screen:

    2. At the first start, you need to activate the application:
    • enter your e-mail in the E-NUM service
    • enter the activation code issued to you when registering for the service
    • click the "Login to Account" button

    If you forgot the activation code:
    • click the link "Forgot?" under the input field of this code
    • they will ask you: do you want to receive a code in SMS message? Agree.
    • as soon as an SMS message is received, the code will be inserted into this field automatically

    2. If the e-mail and code are correct, the application will prompt you to set a password. If you don’t want to install, just uncheck the box and press the button.

    How to log in to sites

    Attention! In order to be able to enter the sites you need to follow the steps described here .
    • Firstly, you can log in to WebMoney services sites
    • Secondly, you can log in to other sites using OpenId - specify "[your wmid] @ wmkeeper.com"

    Suppose that a user wants to enter the Passport.WebMoney service website .

    As soon as the user clicks on the “Login” link, he will be redirected to the login form on the site. You need to select the bookmark "E-NUM".

    You need to enter an e-mail and click the "Receive" button.

    Now start the E-NUM client on the Android phone and:

    1. Go to the "Login to the site" mode
    2. Enter the question-number shown on the login form
    3. Enter the received answer-number on the site and click "Enter"



    1. Press the lower right button
    2 on the client’s E-NUM keyboard . 2. Catch the QR code shown on the input form
    3 in the camera . Received response numberenter on the site and click "Login"

    That's all! :-)

    How to confirm transactions

    1. Payment for goods on the website of the service Merchant.WebMoney

    Attention! In order to make it possible to make purchases on the Merchant.WebMoney website, you need to follow the steps described here .

    If the buyer wants to pay for the purchase on the site using WebMoney and the store is connected to Merchant.WebMoney or Processing.WebMoney , then the user will need to go through the following sequence of pages:

    a) On the product description page, click the "Pay" button

    b) Then, select the list of payment methods “E-NUM”, enter an e-mail and click “Next”

    c) To confirm payment for the goods, you need a “number-question” - click the “Receive” button.

    Now launch the E-NUM client on the Android phone and:

    1. Go to the “Payment” mode
    2. Enter the question-number , payment amount and wallet number (without a letter)



    1. Press the lower right button on the E-NUM client’s keyboard
    2. Catch the QR code shown on the login form in the camera

    d) The received "response number" must be entered in the appropriate field, click "Log in" and then follow the instructions

    2. Confirmation of transfer to WebMoney Keeper

    In order for E-NUM transaction confirmation to appear in WebMoney Keeper, you need to enable this option on the site Security.WebMoney

    useful links

    Below, a link to an article that details the use of the E-NUM service in all versions of WebMoney Keeper:

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