Rename Apple iPhone OS to iOS
The renaming is due to the fact that the Apple iPhone OS already today works not only on Apple iPhone smartphones and Apple iPod touch video players , but also on Apple iPad Internet tablets , and in the future it will probably be used in the new Apple iTV set-top boxes (about which hard rumors).
The new name again intersected with the Cisco IOS trademark ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_IOS ), but Apple amicably resolved this problem:
“Cisco agreed to license the IOS trademark in favor of Apple to use iPhone, iPod as the name for its operating system touch and iPad. The license is given only for the trademark, but not for technology ”- see the article:"Cisco's Official Response to Using Apple's iOS Brand . "
In the future, perhaps Apple will use a more informative name - for example:
1. For Apple iPhone smartphones and Apple iPod video player , there will be Apple iOS for iPhone ,
2. And for Apple iPad Internet tablets , there will be Apple iOS for iPad ,
3. And for the new Apple iTV set-top boxes - there will be Apple iOS for iTV .
Because, if internally for all of the above devices, the Apple iOS operating system has the same core - the device and functionality, then the user interface for the smartphone, Internet tablet and set-top box - is still different.
And the differences in user interfaces between different devices have already created some confusion - since today for Apple iPhone 3Gs smartphones - the latest version of the OS already released was numbered Apple iPhone OS 3.1.3 - dated February 2, 2010.
And for Apple Internet tablets , the latest released version of the OS was numbered Apple iPhone OS 3.2 - dated January 27, 2010 - the version exclusively for the iPad, announced with its release (see:ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_iOS ).
Most likely it was a temporary solution - to distinguish between the versions for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad - only by numbering (perhaps this was done specifically to convince developers that internally - for software developers, the iPhone and iPad OS are no different).
And in the future, this confusion will obviously have to be somehow resolved.
Apple iOS - It's Easy - Apple i Operating System.
“The origin of the i prefix in front of the company's products has hundreds of interpretations: according to one version, the iMac, released in 1998, was deciphered as Internet Mac. Some fans of the brand also like to say that the prefix i (can be translated as I) means a certain personal connection of the user with the gadget. Others argue that the prefix i must mean intellectual. ” - see: article: "Apple lost the right to the letter i in product names in court . "
Today, no one will say for sure what Steve Jobs means by the letter - i
In different periods and in different advertising companies, this letter was played out and decrypted in different ways, and recently it has ceased to be deciphered altogether - this letter seems to have become Apple's trademark.
Here it’s worth remembering that 2 years ago, shortly after the WWDC'08 conference, Apple registered a new trademark - “OS X” - see the article: “Apple registered the OS X trademark” .
And some time after that, on the Apple website, the operating system for Apple iPhone smartphones was called - OS X iPhone , and the desktop version of Mac OS X 10.5 - was sometimes referred to simply as OS X Leopard .
Then it’s obvious that Apple was trying to show software developers that the smartphone OS X iPhone and the desktop OS X Leopard belong to the same Apple OS X family and have almost the same OS core.
Today, Apple wants developers in the minds of the software, some to distance and separate family of Apple OS X into two camps - the mobile operating system = Apple iOS , and desktop OS = Apple the Mac OS the X .
What could it mean - what do you think?
The new name again intersected with the Cisco IOS trademark ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_IOS ), but Apple amicably resolved this problem:
“Cisco agreed to license the IOS trademark in favor of Apple to use iPhone, iPod as the name for its operating system touch and iPad. The license is given only for the trademark, but not for technology ”- see the article:"Cisco's Official Response to Using Apple's iOS Brand . "
In the future, perhaps Apple will use a more informative name - for example:
1. For Apple iPhone smartphones and Apple iPod video player , there will be Apple iOS for iPhone ,
2. And for Apple iPad Internet tablets , there will be Apple iOS for iPad ,
3. And for the new Apple iTV set-top boxes - there will be Apple iOS for iTV .
Because, if internally for all of the above devices, the Apple iOS operating system has the same core - the device and functionality, then the user interface for the smartphone, Internet tablet and set-top box - is still different.
And the differences in user interfaces between different devices have already created some confusion - since today for Apple iPhone 3Gs smartphones - the latest version of the OS already released was numbered Apple iPhone OS 3.1.3 - dated February 2, 2010.
And for Apple Internet tablets , the latest released version of the OS was numbered Apple iPhone OS 3.2 - dated January 27, 2010 - the version exclusively for the iPad, announced with its release (see:ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_iOS ).
Most likely it was a temporary solution - to distinguish between the versions for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad - only by numbering (perhaps this was done specifically to convince developers that internally - for software developers, the iPhone and iPad OS are no different).
And in the future, this confusion will obviously have to be somehow resolved.
Apple iOS - It's Easy - Apple i Operating System.
“The origin of the i prefix in front of the company's products has hundreds of interpretations: according to one version, the iMac, released in 1998, was deciphered as Internet Mac. Some fans of the brand also like to say that the prefix i (can be translated as I) means a certain personal connection of the user with the gadget. Others argue that the prefix i must mean intellectual. ” - see: article: "Apple lost the right to the letter i in product names in court . "
Today, no one will say for sure what Steve Jobs means by the letter - i
In different periods and in different advertising companies, this letter was played out and decrypted in different ways, and recently it has ceased to be deciphered altogether - this letter seems to have become Apple's trademark.
Here it’s worth remembering that 2 years ago, shortly after the WWDC'08 conference, Apple registered a new trademark - “OS X” - see the article: “Apple registered the OS X trademark” .
And some time after that, on the Apple website, the operating system for Apple iPhone smartphones was called - OS X iPhone , and the desktop version of Mac OS X 10.5 - was sometimes referred to simply as OS X Leopard .
Then it’s obvious that Apple was trying to show software developers that the smartphone OS X iPhone and the desktop OS X Leopard belong to the same Apple OS X family and have almost the same OS core.
Today, Apple wants developers in the minds of the software, some to distance and separate family of Apple OS X into two camps - the mobile operating system = Apple iOS , and desktop OS = Apple the Mac OS the X .
What could it mean - what do you think?