What is the day ahead preparing for us? Or start-up parties in the summer

    It only at first glance seems that in summer the majority goes on vacation, some part, especially the student, passes the session and almost completely disappears for this occupation in June. And at the same time, the number of events taking place in the IT world and around it is not particularly reduced. We at the Ingria Business Incubator periodically monitor events that take place in Russia and around the world on topics useful to startups or those who would like to open their own. Therefore, we offer you a small selection of events taking place during the summer period!

    Event DateTitleTown
    June 5, 2010Web Day 2010. Presentation topics - all aspects of developing and supporting web applications and services: design, algorithms, testing, architecture, databases, support, system administration, programming, management, interfaces.Bryansk
    June 7, 2010Top 10 IT projects for the public sector. CompetitionMoscow
    June 7, 10 and 14, 2010Android Training Seminars (Google Technology User Group)St. Petersburg
    June 7-10, 2010Annual Technology Conference in IsraelIsrael
    June 9, 2010Application development for iPad. Enabling MeetingSt. Petersburg
    June 10, 2010SQA SPB GroupSt. Petersburg
    June 11-13, 2010START in GARAGE for Internet companiesSt. Petersburg
    June 16, 2010SeedcampBerlin, Germany
    June 16, 2010Search engine optimization. Scam in the SEO market. Open days ingriaSt. Petersburg
    June 17, 2010Master class by Denis Sverdlov, CEO of Yota as part of the Augmented Reality program . Officially, there is nothing yet, but we know ...St. Petersburg
    June 22-23, 2010Cloud Computing Congress • CCC2010Moscow
    June 23, 2010Startup Team Management Conference. How can a project leader work effectively with his team?St. Petersburg
    June 25, 2010Startup Lynch for technology projectsSt. Petersburg
    June 25-27, 2010Something like HackDay, but only with Google technology. Something did not find a clear name = (Start.com @ GOOGLEMoscow
    June 28, 2010 - July 3, 2010GRID 2010. Fourth International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education"Dubna
    June 30, 2010“We bring the idea to IPO”: how not to make typical mistakes. Open days ingriaSt. Petersburg
    June 30 - July 1, 2010Third Annual Innovation for Business Business Leaders ForumSt. Petersburg
    July 1-2, 2010I Belarusian Venture Fair from RAVIMinsk
    July 3, 2010Startup Crash Test . It seems so far plannedSt. Petersburg
    July 20, 2010SeedcampLondon, Great Britain
    July 26-27, 2010TRIZ-Fest 2010St. Petersburg
    July 31 - August 1, 2010User Experience Ukraine UX Camp 2010Kiev, Ukraine
    August 19-20, 2010Investor Day CEE 2010Kiev, Ukraine
    September 3-5, 2010Comp Expo 2010. Eighth International Specialized ExhibitionYerevan, Armenia

    In general, there are a number of portals that track interesting events in this area. For example, there is a pretty good site IT-event.ru , which accumulates a lot of events in IT. About foreign events can be found on the website of the same name, only in English ! And so, for other events it makes sense to use Theories and Practices , which are known to lovers of culture and public lectures on various topics. And, of course, do not forget about Look at me . But this is already quite far from the IT O_o market.

    If there is something fun-interesting, then write in the comments - add to the table.
    Good luck and have a productive summer =) And relax.

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