Named .com 25 - companies and people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Internet
In March, the .com domain turned 25 years old. During the year, VeriSign, the domain administrator, will hold many events whose task is not only to celebrate the anniversary, but also to talk about the people and companies that created .com and thus made a significant contribution to the development of the Internet.
On May 26, a solemn rewarding of those who entered the " .com 25 " took place. Of the 75 candidates, the most worthy were chosen - people and companies that made the most significant contribution to the development of the Internet. Here is the list of winners:
Verisign also plans to allocate 4 grants of 75 thousand dollars to those who will offer the most promising ways to develop a domain in the next 25 years. Development projects should be submitted to the jury before September 1, and grant recipients will be announced on October 15.
On May 26, a solemn rewarding of those who entered the " .com 25 " took place. Of the 75 candidates, the most worthy were chosen - people and companies that made the most significant contribution to the development of the Internet. Here is the list of winners:
- Alibaba Group , which opened the .com domain to Chinese business entities;
- and Jeffrey Basos , founder of the online store;
- AOL and Steve Case , who have simplified the process of receiving and viewing email for the masses;
- Apple and Steve Jobs , co-founder and CEO of the corporation;
- Baidu , a Chinese search engine;
- Cisco and John Chambers , CEO;
- Craigslist , newspaper of electronic announcements;
- eBay and Pierre Omidyar , founder of the auction;
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- Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg , developer and founder of the social network;
- Google , Larry Page and Sergey Brin , founders of the corporation;
- Infosys , India's Largest Internet Company;
- Intel and Andrew Grove , CEO;
- Microsoft / MSN / Gates Foundation and Bill Gates ;
- MySpace , a social network;
- Napster , a program for downloading music files;
- Netscape and Mark Andreessen , chief browser developer;
- Netscape / Web MD and Jim Clark , Founder;
- Paypal , an online payment service;
- Sun Microsystems and Scott McNealy , Founder of the Corporation;
- Tim Berners-Lee , inventor of the WWW protocol;
- Twitter , microblogging service;
- Vinton Cerf , one of the developers of the TCP / IP protocol;
- Yahoo , Jerry Young, and David Filo , founders of the corporation;
- YouTube , a video hosting service.
Verisign also plans to allocate 4 grants of 75 thousand dollars to those who will offer the most promising ways to develop a domain in the next 25 years. Development projects should be submitted to the jury before September 1, and grant recipients will be announced on October 15.