Dual-use torrent rocker
Probably many habra-people have their own round-the-clock home torrent download / home server located on (mezzanine / in the lobby / under the table / but tell someone where) and so on.
In this post I want to talk about a somewhat unusual, and most importantly a little more useful placement of the device - in the kitchen:

Once I had a Pentium II with a 10 gigabyte drive (yes, 10 gigabytes downloaded for two weeks - it happens :)) But somehow, the children pierced the matrix in the brand new Asus EEE PC 900. To sell - it’s a pity, replacing the matrix with work - more than half the cost of the shortfall itself - the toad strangles ... It was decided to put the
laptop on the clock work, for this we used:

0. Kitchen table (attached) additional shelf - so do not reduce the space for utensils axis - it is important!)
1. Laptop 12k. rub ASUS EEE PC 900 Black WinXPHome 1Gb 4 + 12Gb SSD Lan + WLan_WebCam
2. The new ViewSonic monitor (for only 3500r) with a MAT (!) with a matrix. With built-in speakers - enough volume.
3. The hard drive (lazily watching the brand) for 160 gigs - I don’t remember where it came from - got free then, it seems, from an acquaintance's upgrade. The disc lies on the kitchen sponge - so there is no vibration.

4. Adapter IDE-USB Chinese NONAME - no complaints.
5. Power supply for an external hard drive
6. Fan - sometimes stops - but the laptop does not hang.

Of the features / advantages:
1. Installed in the kitchen - the spouse watched several hundred serial hours during shredding / cooking / washing dishes: combining the necessary with pleasant +100500 to family karma!

2. Far from the bedroom - it is not audible at all (for me it is critical)
3. Electricity consumption <30 Watt-hour - becomes critical compared to the usual system unit
4. Cartoons - the bulk of the content of this server - are accessible from all parts of the apartment
5. Laptop quietly pulls playing the average mkv-hi with the simultaneous downloading of torrents and distribution on samba 7 MBytes per second (all sorts of NASs with Armov's processors go through the woods)
From plans for revision:
1. Something needs to be inserted into the SD-slot - why is it idle something will be ...
2. Uproot the webcam (it’s actually e USB) -pull out from the cabinet - you can monitor the school from work.
3. Switch to Linux (to abandon the Wifi router and stir up normal radius authentication)
but I haven’t found a solution on Linux yet (in my opinion, Athero chipsets cannot work in promiscous mode, so an access point cannot be made from a laptop.)
4. Switch to a 2.5 "hard drive - then it (a hard drive) when power surges it won’t fall off
5. Switch to USB-ADSL modem (notorious DSL-200 or Zyxel) - you can refuse UPS-ki - the laptop will take on such a role
6. Set up video recording of the apartment (several USB cameras via the hub) and send it to working FTP.
UPD: forgot about VESA mount: 400 rubles
UPD1: I hope for howto to create an access point from a laptop on Linux.
Why- then no one noticed a hanging USB-cord: in the evening I stick a flash drive - in the morning when I get to work Iforget it I take it out with fresh cureit, avir bases and pdfs with fresh news resources (at work offline).
In this post I want to talk about a somewhat unusual, and most importantly a little more useful placement of the device - in the kitchen:

Once I had a Pentium II with a 10 gigabyte drive (yes, 10 gigabytes downloaded for two weeks - it happens :)) But somehow, the children pierced the matrix in the brand new Asus EEE PC 900. To sell - it’s a pity, replacing the matrix with work - more than half the cost of the shortfall itself - the toad strangles ... It was decided to put the
laptop on the clock work, for this we used:

0. Kitchen table (attached) additional shelf - so do not reduce the space for utensils axis - it is important!)
1. Laptop 12k. rub ASUS EEE PC 900 Black WinXPHome 1Gb 4 + 12Gb SSD Lan + WLan_WebCam
2. The new ViewSonic monitor (for only 3500r) with a MAT (!) with a matrix. With built-in speakers - enough volume.
3. The hard drive (lazily watching the brand) for 160 gigs - I don’t remember where it came from - got free then, it seems, from an acquaintance's upgrade. The disc lies on the kitchen sponge - so there is no vibration.

4. Adapter IDE-USB Chinese NONAME - no complaints.
5. Power supply for an external hard drive
6. Fan - sometimes stops - but the laptop does not hang.

Of the features / advantages:
1. Installed in the kitchen - the spouse watched several hundred serial hours during shredding / cooking / washing dishes: combining the necessary with pleasant +100500 to family karma!

2. Far from the bedroom - it is not audible at all (for me it is critical)
3. Electricity consumption <30 Watt-hour - becomes critical compared to the usual system unit
4. Cartoons - the bulk of the content of this server - are accessible from all parts of the apartment
5. Laptop quietly pulls playing the average mkv-hi with the simultaneous downloading of torrents and distribution on samba 7 MBytes per second (all sorts of NASs with Armov's processors go through the woods)
From plans for revision:
1. Something needs to be inserted into the SD-slot - why is it idle something will be ...
2. Uproot the webcam (it’s actually e USB) -pull out from the cabinet - you can monitor the school from work.
3. Switch to Linux (to abandon the Wifi router and stir up normal radius authentication)
but I haven’t found a solution on Linux yet (in my opinion, Athero chipsets cannot work in promiscous mode, so an access point cannot be made from a laptop.)
4. Switch to a 2.5 "hard drive - then it (a hard drive) when power surges it won’t fall off
5. Switch to USB-ADSL modem (notorious DSL-200 or Zyxel) - you can refuse UPS-ki - the laptop will take on such a role
6. Set up video recording of the apartment (several USB cameras via the hub) and send it to working FTP.
UPD: forgot about VESA mount: 400 rubles
UPD1: I hope for howto to create an access point from a laptop on Linux.
Why- then no one noticed a hanging USB-cord: in the evening I stick a flash drive - in the morning when I get to work I