Google Wave message notifications broadcast via Gmail

    What I really miss in Google Wave * is the notification of a new message from a colleague or friend in the “wave” of discussions that would come directly to Gmail.

    Santa's Little Helpers

    It would seem that even messages from friends from Buzz (Buzz) are duplicated in the inbox, why you have to download or keep a bookmark open with the awkward and cumbersome interface of Wave itself to notice a new message - after all, the same, say, Gmail, I have always open in the browser tab.

    In addition to the wonderful add-on for Firefox and the add-on for Chrome , notifying you of new messages in the "waves", I also saw a separate Waver application for Windows, Linux and Mac Os X, which runs on Adobe Air technology. There is also a separate application for iPhones and Mac OS X Waveboard, but since Gmail has become an important tool in my daily affairs, I have long chosen the “Little Santa Helpers” method for myself - various jabber bots that work tirelessly and carefully follow new posts, tweets, bases ( and all the other entries in all kinds of new-fangled types of blogging) of my friends and they immediately inconspicuously report this to me through Gmail chat - it’s also gtalk, i.e. google xmpp protocol.

    If you also want to get a bot that will notify you of new messages in Google Wave, do as I already did:

    • add the user to the list of Wave- contacts

    • invite this contact to any wave you would like to receive notifications from

    • when the bot is invited, click Subscribe in the bot message that appeared in the wave


    From now on, if someone leaves a new message in this wave or edit it, we will receive a message in the chat about this:


    I know that there are many who don’t use gtalk and do not keep the Gmail page open all the time, therefore contact can be added to any other xmppc client and receive notifications from it in the same way:


    The bot has several commands to see the waves we are subscribed to, subscribe or unsubscribe from the wave, and view them You can by sending the bot "help".

    In conclusion, I can say that I myself learned about the existence of the bot, thanks to
    this article .

    Possible problems:
    In a small annotation on the developers pagethe following is written: “If there are no buttons in the wave, because they have been deleted, type x: menu into an empty blip.
    You can also type x: sub or x: unsub into an empty blip to subscribe or unsubscribe, respectively ", which in translation means approximately the following:" If the buttons did not appear in the wave, because they have been deleted, type x: menu in a blank message.
    You can also type x: sub or x: unsub in an empty message to subscribe or unsubscribe, respectively. "

    * in addition to, of course, people's habits of using it in everyday collective affairs

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