Sape: now not only links, but also articles

    The most popular link exchange in Runet “Sape” has the opportunity to post articles. Unlike similar article exchanges - here you pay not once for posting the article permanently, but as in the case of links, you pay for each article monthly. Such a system has its pros and cons.

    A plus in this situation is the fact that the person who posted the article will pay a certain amount for it every month, which makes it more likely that the article will not be removed from the site. At one of the most popular article exchanges, Miralinks has a system that guarantees only that the article will not be removed within 3 months. At the same time, it is worth assuming that in case of payment “monthly” the placement price of each article will be higher than the placement forever.
    In any case, this innovation was expected for a long time, especially after Yandex introduced the new Snezhinsk algorithm and an ever-decreasing influence of unnatural (purchased) links on the relevance of the promoted site. Links placed in articles look more “natural” in the eyes of a search engine.
    Webmasters who will post articles on their sites will be interested in receiving a monthly fee, in fact, for new unique pages on their sites. The number of links in the articles can not exceed 5 pieces, so any sanctions from the search engine for link placement vryatit will follow. Also, all articles are checked for uniqueness.
    Given the popularity of the service among optimizers, its huge impact on ranking in search engines with current algorithms, this innovation promises to become popular and in demand.

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