Samsø Island provides itself with full energy

Original author: Power and Energy
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This is a small Danish island in the Baltic Sea ( google maps ), it has about 4300 inhabitants, the island covers only 114 km².
In 1997, a competition for the Renewable Energy Island was announced in Denmark. Five islands participated in the competition, each of which was supposed to provide a 10-year plan for a complete rejection of oil and gas consumption and the transition to environmentally friendly sources.

Engineer Ole Johnsson chose Samso Island, considering it ideal for realizing his long-held dream of a self-contained system. Having studied the data on wind speed and the number of sunny days in a year, he came to the conclusion that the island can be fully provided with energy from wind turbines and other alternative energy sources. He sent the plan to Copenhagen, and this plan won the competition.

Under the cut some description and a picture. As a result, 21 wind turbines were installed on the island: 10 were installed off the southern coast of the island (in the water), the remaining 11 are located throughout the island. The houses of 22 villages of the island are heated by the energy received from burning wood chips and straw. In addition, solar panels are used.

By the way, the other day in the same Denmark, but in Copenhagen, a UN meeting on climate change will be held.

ps the numbers shown in the picture are mostly incomprehensible to me, especially in the lower right corner, about 11 megawatt turbines.
pps: for example, one of the turbines on the island, those that I could not find offshore.

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