Compatibility Test: HTC Diamond 2

    The blog has already mentioned a couple of times about certain devices on which the use of mobile Evernote becomes as comfortable as possible. This time we found such a device under Windows Mobile. Since our developers (concurrently extremely advanced and active users of the service), having sequentially studied the communicator, gave a favorable assessment of the symbiosis of this device with Evernote, we decided to mention it here. It's about the HTC Touch Diamond 2.


    03 new note [] 11 notes 1 []

    Yandex will tell you the detailed technical specifications, so we won’t dwell on them here. We only note the processor, noticeably matured from the time of the first Touch - Qualcomm MSM7200A 528 MHz, with which Evernote works smartly in almost any situation: when scrolling through notes, when taking photographs, when drawing and creating handwritten notes.

    As the authors of a mobile application that uses photography, we are always especially sensitive to the quality of the camera and the resulting images. It's no secret that mobile photos are still far from perfect in terms of clarity - but here Diamond 2 exceeded all expectations. The fact is that a 5-megapixel camera can automatically focus already about 7 cm from the subject. Well, since Evernote most often photographs business cards, notes on stickers, and other text, the size matters. Less is better. And the focal length of 7 cm is probably the record for today. Examples below:

    06 snapshot 1 []

    07 snapshot 2 []

    08 snapshot 3 []

    Photos of this quality are recognized in Evernote with a bang.

    However, in addition to photos, there are several more parameters by which the HTC Touch Diamond 2 can be called “sharpened” under Evernote. The phone has a very sensitive microphone, and you can take notes with lectures or recordings of songs in the car. In this case, you can use both the built-in Evernote voice recorder and add audio recordings made by the “native” voice recorder:

    15 native voice recorder app [] 09 audio note []

    Handwritten notes with our not-so-perfect handwritings are completely readable and even recognizable. ;)

    05 ink note []

    Owners of Evernote premium accounts, who have the ability to synchronize files of any type, can also attach a freshly downloaded video to the note through the "Transfer file" function in Evernote.

    09 file browser [] 10 file browser 2 []

    Then it’s convenient to search all this beauty not only by keywords, but also by geo-search, since the phone has GPS.

    Muscovites can also touch and evaluate the work of Evernote on their own, as we agreed with HTC to install our client on demo phones at the HTC Care center in Moscow (on Novoslobodskaya Street).

    And finally, a few more screenshots:

    02 evernote icon []  04 text note []

    13 note with HTML [] 12 note with reco []

    PS We got a test device with Windows Mobile 6.5 in our hands, and, as far as we know, phones with the operating system version 6.1 are on sale. But this is good: it is already safe to say that Evernote will work on Windows Mobile 6.5.

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