The first month of Bing: results

    Today is exactly one month since the official launch of the new Microsoft search engine, and for almost a single day it did not disappear from the headlines of IT-press news: for example, yesterday the search results on Twitter appeared in its search results, which also became an informational occasion .

    Such effective marketing brought real results, especially in the first days after launch. According to StatCounter , already on the fourth day, Bing overtook Yahoo search in popularity and tore off a bold piece from Google. On this peak day, the newcomer grabbed 15.6% of the search market, and Google that day fell from 78% to 72%. If this situation persisted further, the result of the launch of Bing could be called super successful. But the reality is different.

    Starting from the fifth day, Bing's share decreased and amounted to 8.23% by the end of the month, and Google almost regained its lost position, having lost only a third of a percent of the US market. By the end of June, Microsoft had almost nothing to gain in connection with the launch of the new project, because the old Microsoft search engine already controlled 7.8% of the market just before the launch of Bing. The share of Yahoo has remained unchanged.

    However, even the smallest gain from Google (a third of a percent for the first month) Microsoft executives can consider a success, because usually on all fronts of Internet battles they constantly and absolutely lose.

    via Reuters , Cnet

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