FPPP summer special episode for sound processing enthusiasts

    After a short break, we, as usual, launch the next episode of our Federal User Support Program. This time with the support of iProLab and not on a global scale, but on a strictly defined topic - sound processing.

    The conditions are as follows: over the next three weeks, we expect to see posts on the topic of digital sound processing on the Sound and Music blog . The author of the best topic will get the opportunity to attend a 4-day training course on working with one of the most powerful computer audio processing tools - Logic Studio !

    The rules are simple:
    - this stage of the competition is held from 00:00 06/29/09 to 23:59 07/19/09;
    - the award is received by the user whose topic was published during the current stage of the competition and at the same time at the end of the contest has the highest rating among all topics published in the Sound and Music blog (http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/sound_and_music/ ) during this stage of the competition;
    - only regular topics, translation topics and podcasts participate in the program (that is, topic links and questions do not participate. Even the Inner Voice is not involved!);
    - the topic should be an independent work of the author (texts, pictures, files from other sites do not take part; it is allowed to use other people's pictures only as accompanying illustrations);
    - the topic must be original, that is, first published on the Web (in this case, subsequent parallel publication elsewhere is allowed, it is not allowed to only use texts previously published on their blogs);
    - the topic should not be a discussion of Habr, other Thematic Media projects and sponsor companies, their services and products;
    - employees of Thematic Media companies and sponsoring companies, their relatives, relatives of their relatives, as well as their virtuals are not allowed to participate in the competition :)
    - the topic should become a leader honestly, i.e. no circumvention of rules, cheating using virtuals, hidden and open vulnerabilities are prohibited. We will follow;
    - if two or more topics of the same author take prizes, only the best topic is taken into account;
    - if the topics of different authors gain the same number of votes, a victory is awarded to the author whose topic was published first.


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