XP vs Vista vs Windows 7 comparison table
If you are interested in what’s new in addition to the updated interface in Windows 7, but you missed something or are too lazy to search on the Internet, then the table that was posted on the Microsoft website today will help you. It lists all the most important parts of the system that have been added, updated or improved in Windows 7.
The picture shows part of the document. To download a document in pdf format, follow this link . I would like to note that even in this table not all the differences are shown, the Direct 2D subsystem, which replaces GDI +, is not indicated. DirectX 11, which is included in Windows 7 (which will certainly be in Vista), is also not specified.
PS: why they compare with Vista SP1 I do not know, maybe SP2 does not affect the results that are presented in the table.
The picture shows part of the document. To download a document in pdf format, follow this link . I would like to note that even in this table not all the differences are shown, the Direct 2D subsystem, which replaces GDI +, is not indicated. DirectX 11, which is included in Windows 7 (which will certainly be in Vista), is also not specified.
PS: why they compare with Vista SP1 I do not know, maybe SP2 does not affect the results that are presented in the table.