Moral and legal aspects of computer consultations

    This post is a question. The question is partly rhetorical and a little holistic.
    Do you find it normal to advise people on the use of unlicensed software?

    My job is basically advising people.
    I answer a lot of computer questions. Questions about hardware and software.

    For over two years now, I have been refusing to advise people if the questions relate to stolen software. I will not be punished by the authorities, this is not fear of the authorities and not laziness. This is my moral position.

    A simple example of a conversation:

    - but I’m not updating ***, I downloaded the database, but he still doesn’t want to ...
    - Are you using a licensed version of this antivirus?
    - that is not of course! it *** costs rubles
    - sorry, but I will not give advice on working with unlicensed software
    - ???? !!!

    About 90% are offended, of which 30% are acquaintances (and they are sooooo badly offended).

    And I understand that updates are not downloaded for another reason. If we consider the same example, then the problem may be with the Internet connection, and I’m talking about this person. I try to list and, if possible, help to eliminate all the problems that relate to hardware and other legal software.

    Do you think that such a situation would motivate you to purchase legal software or simply offend you?
    What do managers in computer stores usually do with you or your acquaintances?

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