JavaFX - contests to promote the platform from Sun

    What is the best way to attract programmers to develop for a new platform? Organize a contest with prizes or cash rewards. To organize JavaFX and draw attention to this language, Sun organized two contests.

    The first contest is a contest for the best application written in JavaFX. Unfortunately, it ends on May 29, so there is not much time left to develop the application. Prizes for 1,2 and 3 place are $ 25,000, $ 10,000 and $ 5,000, respectively. There is also a special category for students with their prizes. Incentive prizes are also provided - 100 prizes each worth $ 25. The requirements for the projects are as follows: the application must be submitted in the form of a Netbeans project, it must run under one of the startup environment configurations specified on the site, the project must contain a brief description of the application, when using libraries with open licenses, applications must comply with the requirements of these licenses.

    The second competition is a competition for the best space probe control algorithm. The prizes in it are not so big, but it’s more interesting to participate. The essence of the competition is as follows: the action takes place on a space map in 2D. Resources are located on the map, each resource has its own cost. Also on the map are several space probes - the task of each probe is to collect more resources than the rest. The API for writing a space probe control algorithm is very simple and quick to learn. Your ship has a radar that allows you to find objects near the ship and a full space map that contains the location of all objects at some point in time. In order to update the map, the ship must completely stop moving for some time. Using the radar does not require stopping the ship,

    The competition is divided into 3 stages, at each stage there may (and most likely will be) changes in the probe management API and in the competition conditions.

    Stage I May 1-20, iPod Touch Prize.
    II stage May 21 - June 10, the prize is unknown.
    Stage III June 11 - June 30, the prize is unknown.

    The top prize for the GalaxyFX competition is Sun's open-source laptop.

    If you want to participate - good luck!

    JavaFX Coding Challenge
    GalaxyFX Algorithm Competition

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