Not when you did not think how manufacturers of LEGO-compatible designers (they are also called L-designers) make assembly schemes and colorful visualizations for the packaging of their sets? It turns out that there are whole systems for these purposes. These are quite powerful software applications, almost CAD, which thanks to specialized functionality and built-in libraries are able to make a model, LEGO-design, step-by-step assembly and visualization scheme much more effective than any non-specialized CAD.

Such applications are not few. Most of them are based on LDraw. In terms of basic functionality, they do not differ significantly, but specialized services for some are very developed. Someone relies on the possibility of exporting to AutoCAD and other CAD platforms, someone on the quality of visualization ... In general, CADs for LEGO are a whole world, and very serious. However, creating L-designs in applications is no less fun than playing real LOGO. Moreover, many of the LEGO CAD systems are distributed free of charge.
Related links:
I wrote for my own startup, but I think that charo-people will be curious. Original: http://virmar.ru/news/1-latest-news/105-cadforlego.html

Such applications are not few. Most of them are based on LDraw. In terms of basic functionality, they do not differ significantly, but specialized services for some are very developed. Someone relies on the possibility of exporting to AutoCAD and other CAD platforms, someone on the quality of visualization ... In general, CADs for LEGO are a whole world, and very serious. However, creating L-designs in applications is no less fun than playing real LOGO. Moreover, many of the LEGO CAD systems are distributed free of charge.
Related links:
- http://www.ldraw.org/
- http://www.lm-software.com/mlcad/
- http://www.leocad.org/
- http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1886411948/peeroncom-20/
I wrote for my own startup, but I think that charo-people will be curious. Original: http://virmar.ru/news/1-latest-news/105-cadforlego.html