In defense of developers

    I want to share with Khabrovsk citizens some thoughts about organizational problems in modern IT companies. Each thought is framed in the form of a social anti-pattern and complements a well-known list on Wikipedia. .
    • Bad team
    • Ineffective team
    • Mutual Claim System
    • Staff turnover
    • Lack of executive power

    • Bad team . Managers are divided into 2 categories: good and bad. A bad manager always blames developers; they always let him down. A good manager always blames himself. There is a simple explanation for this - a good manager works with a team, that is, teaches a team, dismisses bad employees, soberly assesses the situation during the whole time of work on a project, so as not to bring to a critical point. There is a simple explanation for this - a good manager usually has a share in the project.

    • Ineffective team . The developer is not required to independently improve their professional level. No, of course he can do it, but to demand it from everyone is stupid.

      Imagine, you come to the first year of any university and say: “Guys, you can become great directors, actors, singers, politicians, scientists ... but you only need to: study, improve your professional level, be balanced ... and etc. "; Will everyone become? Not! He created the conditions? Of course!

      So is the developer, he works within the framework of the created conditions, but is not obliged to work at maximum. If you want to increase efficiency, work with the team, work on the team, and finally dismiss ineffective employees.

    • The system of mutual claims . In my opinion, the main constraint to the growth of any company. Developers think like this: “What should I tear the ass for this company? She constantly deceives us and feeds us with promises. ” In turn, the managers say to the developers: “Until we work efficiently and as expected, we will not: raise salaries, improve working conditions ...”. This is the road to nowhere, since no one but you will begin to make concessions.

    • Staff turnover . The developer solves any problems for himself by banal dismissal. Personnel turnover is the best balancing factor, since the first time the employee is not touched at the new place, and the ordinary employees receive the turnover best because they are least attached to the feeder of the current company. It is not necessary to deal with the fluid, it is necessary to deal with the problems that generate it.

    • Lack of executive power . Any complex bonus systems, processes, development methodologies introduced to solve problems will not work. And there is one simple reason for this - there is a law, there is no executor. And according to the principle of separation of powers, the laws themselves do not work, since an executor is needed. And in order for the contractor to abide by the law in his place, an audit (judicial power) and trade unions are needed . Auditing protects companies, and unions protect developers. I think in the West are not fools, since they have been using this scheme for a long time.

    Well, wander in the clouds and that's enough. Back to work, forward to new achievements.

    PS I would be grateful for any thoughts on this.

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