Move To The Music

    Hello, dear Khabrovites! Today I would like to tell you about an experiment that I intend to implement in the near future.

    I think many of you walk / run / stroll to the music. Naturally, someone likes to pace accompanied by rock musicians, and someone walks, listening exclusively to representatives of rap culture. Actually, now no one is walking with a tape recorder on his shoulder (although it was pretty funny). In those days, people who listened to music in this way walked slowly, full of prizes. What about now? Adherents of what musical direction go faster, or, conversely, slower? What makes people speed up, and what slows down?

    In our experiment, we will try to find out by first walking the same distance under different music, and then, based on the indicators of the stopwatch and step counter, having performed a kind of analysis, we will make a comparative table (or it will not be a table, it has not been decided yet).

    So, over the course of several weeks, I will walk the same distance (~ 1km) while listening to various music:
    • Rock
    • Metal
    • Alternative, Punk, Independent
    • Pop
    • Chillout / Downtempo / Trip-Hop / Ambient
    • D'n'B / Jungle / Breaks
    • House / Electro / Dance
    • Trance
    • Rap / R'n'B
    • Blues / Gospel / Jazz (thanks pingwin for the reminder )

    With the help of the Soviet stopwatch and the Nokia Step Counter program installed on my mobile, I will measure the results.

    How long it will take is impossible to say. I hope that in the coming month, I will be able to provide the results of the experiment.

    Of course, I would like to attract you, dear habrachitateli. If you are ready to take part in the experiment, write directly in this topic, or contact me by im / e-mail. Contact information is indicated in the profile.

    Thank you for karma, transferred to "I'm smart"

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