Giving a T-shirt to a web developer

    Actually, such a t-shirt, my friend and I decided to give our boss.

    In the beginning there was an idea to order something similar
    from here for 18 cu, not counting the delivery.

    But time was running out and it was necessary to quickly deliver a gift ... So I did not have to order on the Internet, but urgently invent something ourselves. And we had in mind one institution where they put stickers on clothes. Having gone there and chatted with helpful staff, we bought a plain black T-shirt and brought it to them. On hand was already a screenshot of the code.
    The code and color scheme are in WIM. In general, the inscription was ordered and in a day the t-shirt presented on top was ready. The total price of this T-shirt was one and a half times cheaper than from an online store.
    Happy Birthday, Anton)

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