To deceive nature: Earth Day for 50 hours.
Time is relative - we know this from school. As well as the fact that we cannot feel it. But there is still a way to verify the curvature of time - to move away from your hometown.
Then the law of standard time comes into force, breaking the planet into 24 time zones with a step of 15 ° in one hour. This was invented by the Canadian engineer Stanford Fleming in 1878. The idea is simple: the Earth makes a revolution around its axis (360 °) in 24 hours, which means that in one hour the Sun “runs through the sky” 15 °, shifting by one time zone
The need to solve the problem of time zones by 1878 has matured. Previously, each city had its own time, and a traveler, arriving at a new place, simply switched his watch. But with the advent of railroads, people began to move quickly over vast distances, and terrible confusion arose. Due to the confusion in the timetables, America was facing a real transport collapse, and in England, a clock with two clock hands came into use: one showed local time, the other - Greenwich, on which trains ran.
In 1884, an international conference in Washington recognized the division of the world into 24 time zones. True, at first it was used only in shipping. In Russia, it was introduced in 1918.
Zone Time is a great invention of mankind, designed to defeat the chronographic chaos of the era of the transport revolution and globalization. In a systemic sense, it defeated him, but in places gave rise to such inversions that the mind goes beyond the mind. The fact that the day on Earth does not last 24 hours, but on November 50 and Friday begins on the Line Islands at 1 p.m. Thursday November 6 in Moscow, and ends on Baker Island at 3 p.m. November 8 in Moscow, are still flowers. the original is another link to the picture PS I note from myself that I suspected that everything was very interesting, but did not know that the time difference was so enormous.
Then the law of standard time comes into force, breaking the planet into 24 time zones with a step of 15 ° in one hour. This was invented by the Canadian engineer Stanford Fleming in 1878. The idea is simple: the Earth makes a revolution around its axis (360 °) in 24 hours, which means that in one hour the Sun “runs through the sky” 15 °, shifting by one time zone
The need to solve the problem of time zones by 1878 has matured. Previously, each city had its own time, and a traveler, arriving at a new place, simply switched his watch. But with the advent of railroads, people began to move quickly over vast distances, and terrible confusion arose. Due to the confusion in the timetables, America was facing a real transport collapse, and in England, a clock with two clock hands came into use: one showed local time, the other - Greenwich, on which trains ran.
In 1884, an international conference in Washington recognized the division of the world into 24 time zones. True, at first it was used only in shipping. In Russia, it was introduced in 1918.
Zone Time is a great invention of mankind, designed to defeat the chronographic chaos of the era of the transport revolution and globalization. In a systemic sense, it defeated him, but in places gave rise to such inversions that the mind goes beyond the mind. The fact that the day on Earth does not last 24 hours, but on November 50 and Friday begins on the Line Islands at 1 p.m. Thursday November 6 in Moscow, and ends on Baker Island at 3 p.m. November 8 in Moscow, are still flowers. the original is another link to the picture PS I note from myself that I suspected that everything was very interesting, but did not know that the time difference was so enormous.