Asus eeePC 1000H and OpenBSD

    While scrolling through the Asus eeePC hubblog, I was surprised at the complete absence of non-Linux installations among the habrausers and decided to tell my story of the OpenBSD installation for eeePC. Having bought an eeePC 1000H with an 80GB disk and preinstalled Windows XP in August, I wanted some kind of variety in the possibilities provided by the laptop. Xandros didn’t succeed in anything, Ubuntu 8.04 started up with a lot of squeak and glitches, FreeBSD 7.0 started up without network and vive support, but OpenBSD started up right away and almost without problems (Attansic L1 support almost none where it was not, so this can not be considered a problem). But it got xorg, sound and wai, I really didn’t want more. After a couple of months, drm was repaired and hardware GL acceleration started.
    • The smaller ports tree (compared to FreeBSD)
    • Another system for enabling (activating) startup scripts and network interfaces
    • Wifi settings technology different from FreeBSD and Linux (more convenient)
    • Different principles of assembling world and xenocara (xorg ground under OpenBSD)
    • Using pure cvs instead of cvsup (csup)
    The changes are certainly not very critical, but because I have been working with FreeBSD since 1998, which was somewhat unusual. Now about the management features: # sysctl hw.setperf = N% allows you to adjust the system speed by automatically lowering the processor frequency and reducing power consumption. $ apm -C cold mode with minimal power consumption $ apm -H maximum performance mode, I liked the audio input-output control mode very much. Mixerctl allows you to turn on the headphones and internal speakers in the system at the same time, which is sometimes convenient so as not to pull the headphone jack again. $ Mixerctl -t outputs.h p_eapd turns speakers on / off without turning off the headphones. Theoretically, you can set different sound sources for the speakers and headphones (I didn’t check, but there are options in the settings) .xorg started up without problems, but the multitouch didn’t work, although the two-finger scroll works fine. The graphics card driver must be used with “intel.” Wai management is also quite convenient from the console # ifconfig ral0 chan lists all wifi networks found nearby. # Ifconfig ral0 chan <channel number> nwid <network name> nwkey <network key> for wep # ifconfig ral0 chan < channel number> nwid <namename> wpa wpapsk `wpa-psk <nameless> <keyset>` for wpa continue dhclient ral0 and everything is in chocolate. OpenBSD has big problems with UTF-8, the solution was very simple. ROX-filer - gui filemanager ala explorer has normal UTF-8 support and reads mounted ntfs with Russian letters wonderfully. In general, I am satisfied. I got the convenience of a BSD system with minimal costs and the necessary functionality for developing scripts and sites. UPD:imageimageimage

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