We will find nitrates and we will not miss radiation
The question of buying a device that measures the level of nitrates, arose after a fascination with green smoothies. If with the usual use of vegetables, fruits and greens, it is difficult to eat so many foods with all the desire to get tangible harm, then 200 ml of a green smoothie can easily fit half a head of cabbage, a couple of cucumbers and a green apple in addition. A completely different concentration of vitamins, but also, alas, harmful substances, if any. The search for “ecotest” showed Soeks, an ecotest that is actively promoted on the market .. I decided to take it for testing through the Dadget company. The advantages of buying through them are described directly on the site. The main thing for me personally is (I quote) “Return within 1 year, even if you used it. Provided that the presentation and packaging are preserved. ”It’s nice, you know, to think that you can try something and if you don’t like it, return it. We continue ...
1. Appearance, equipment
The device arrived in a cheerful green package, it is immediately clear that for lovers of a healthy lifestyle. AAA batteries included, which is nice. But if you want to charge from batteries or using a charger (there is a usb input), you will have to purchase it all separately. The instruction is in Russian and English, there is a certificate of compliance with GOST standards. (Compliance with GOST raises the level of confidence by default :))
The design of the device is touchingly domestic. Outwardly resembles a remote control from the air conditioner. The cap from the probe is removed with some effort. The handling is extremely simple. The OK button, it’s the on and off button. Four menu navigation buttons. The brightness of the display is adjustable. We will begin testing with nitrates.
2. Nitrates or salts of nitric acid
A small digression into the topic "what is nitrates and why can it be harmful to humans?":
- Nitrates. Wikipedia article
- What are nitrates and how to protect yourself from them?
Evaluation and analysis of nitrates is carried out by measuring the conductivity of high frequency alternating current. Immediately make a reservation that this method of measurement has its opponents. It turns out that the device measures the electrical conductivity of the salts dissolved in the product, which means not only nitrates, but also magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. There are also complaints that the device allegedly greatly underestimates the testimony that its error is not at all declared 30%, but 100% and more, etc. But all this cannot be verified at home, so here everyone decides for himself what to believe and what not to.
Already when reading the instructions, it is regrettable that the calculator is not built into the device. A nitrate tester measures the nitrate content per kilogram of product mass. All. To find out how much nitrate was eaten with a particular product (and 5 mg of nitrate per day per 1 kg of body weight is considered safe for an adult), additional calculations need to be performed. For children, of course, the norms are different, and here the tester pleased with a separate menu item "Children's Norm". (For children, there are other norms, since the child's body is most susceptible to the harmful effects of nitrates. So for young children, it is safe to use up to 10 mg per day, for older children up to 50 mg.)
So, we take the products available at home (attention, room temperature!). We remove the lid and, following the highlighted recommendation, stick the probe into the onion, salad, zucchini - everything is normal.
It is not entirely clear how to measure leaf lettuce, but somehow it is possible to pierce several leaves so that the dark strip is completely immersed in the product. Also the norm.
What wonderful suppliers, it turns out, at the nearest stores. And here is what the device showed about the grapes from Auchan.
I turn the berry over, I see that on one side it has rotted. The instructions specifically stipulate that the product should not contain traces of rot. I find a healthy berry, the device gives out a slight, but still an excess of the norm.
Also, an increased content of nitrates was found in pears. And if the grapes initially looked unhealthy hypertrophied, pears would never have suspected.
Frustrated by the lack of avocados in the product lists (you may have to look for analogues in the list at the same nitrate content) and frankly surprised by the lack of plums.
The full list of products available on the menu: Apricot, Watermelon, Banana, Eggplant, Grapes, Pear, Greens, Melon, Early Cabbage, Late Cabbage, Zucchini, Potato, Strawberry, Onion, Green Onion, Early Carrot, Late Carrot, Nectarine, Cucumber (ground), Cucumber (greenhouse), Pepper (sweet), Peach, Tomato (ground), Tomato (greenhouse), Radish, Radish, Salad, Beets, Persimmons, Apple, Children's Norm, Fresh meat. Detailed guideAvailable for download from the Dadget site.
3. Radiation
A small excursion into the topic “what is radiation and why can it be harmful to humans?”:
- Sievert units . Wikipedia article.
- X-ray units . Wikipedia article.
- Radiation: general information, units of measure, human impact.
In an attempt to find something radioactive in the apartment, I managed to recall several likely places where the background could be raised. Checking the toys glowing in the dark when presenting the sensor did not reveal any excess, although the background was slightly higher than in the apartment.
Remembering the experiments with passing air through a filter to increase the concentration of radioactive elements, he took out a filter from the supply system. An excess of the background was not detected, but a lot of dust and insects were found.
The search for radiation did not succeed, which is of course for the better!
4. We summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the
Advantages: easy to use (especially if you attach a calculator); works quickly, nitrate measurement lasts no more than 3-4 seconds; it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, especially if you have children at home or you are fond of green cocktails and like to read at night about nitrates and the horrors of their effects on the body.
Disadvantages: it is quite difficult to take measurements before purchase - only after; incomplete list of fruits and vegetables. And one moment. The average consumer still buys vegetables and fruits in two or three places, no more. And, as a rule, the same thing. After the usual 10-15 products are checked, the tester will most likely go dusting on the shelf and will be removed no more than once a year, in the melon and watermelon season.
PS. It was fun to find a funny face on the board;)
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