Web agent in Mail.Ru mail

    Today we launched Web Agent on Mail.Ru - the web version of the instant messenger Mail.Ru Agent.

    The Web Agent looks like this: The


    Messenger works directly in the mail interface of the mailbox (but will soon appear in other portal projects as well), within a single browser window. You can chat, add new people. If you have never used Mail.Ru Agent before, but you have worked with My World Mail.Ru, then all the friends from this social network will automatically appear in the contact list of the Web Agent.

    The web agent doesn’t greatly increase the page size, it works quite fast and of course you can turn it off if you wish :) True, you shouldn’t do this, if only because it’s quite convenient to use it (take at least server history storage and unobtrusiveness) and in the future more different nice features will appear.

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