CMS for Splog - Pligg?

    imageSuddenly discovered, the Pligg social bookmarking engine is great for co-building.
    For the sake of mischief, I put it on a subdomain six months ago, added several RSS feeds to the broadcast, and forgot. And here I look at the stats - in Yandex there are 2500 pages in the index, in Google - about 1000, while there was no question about the uniqueness of the content! The most interesting module in this engine is RSS Importer, it has a bunch of settings for displaying and displaying content, for Atom, RSS 0.9, RSS 2.0, etc. Russian bloggers usually use WordPress or RSS grabbers for blogging, and this CMS Pligg turned out to be of little demand. Maybe that's why search engines do not ban Pligg-based splogs?
    The code, of course, is in the curve engine, problems with the Cyrillic alphabet and SEO, the Latin โ€œmโ€ is inserted into the announcements (is the content unique?), I have not figured out the normal titles (the same on all pages!)

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