Opera + GReader

    GReader has a “General Section". You can add various notes and links to external resources to it. For the last action, a link is offered in the documentation for GReader'y, which you can add to bookmarks, after which when you click on it (bookmark), a window for adding a new note will appear. But to search for the desired bookmark is not very convenient.

    In the Opera browser, this can be done more conveniently and simply:

    In conf. You can add the following entry (single line) in the [Document Popup Menu] section of the Opera menu file :

    Item, Add to GReader = Go to page, “javascript: var% 20b = document.body; var% 20GR ________ bookmarklet_domain = 'http: //www.google.com'; if (b &&! Document.xmlVersion) {void (z = document.createElement ('script')); void (z.src = 'http: //www.google.com/reader/ui/link-bookmarklet.js'); void (b.appendChild (z));} else {} ”

    (I hope everyone knows that before making changes to the conf. file, make a copy of it).

    The result is presented in the picture:

    Now being on the page, information about which you want to add to the “General Records”, you just need to call the context menu and get to the desired item.

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