Gyptology: the first fruits of work
So, earlier I already talked about how, being an inexperienced person, I decided to try it on my own, for the sake of interest, to increase attendance at the nonprofit Giftology project . Just sporting interest, no ambition or commercial gain. (Imagine it happens!). In addition, initially, I do not plan to spend serious money and too much time on this. This is not the thing of my life and I have another job that brings me money.
In general, after the lyrical digression, I continue my narration:
Firstly, I published the news on Western and Russian sites, including on the advertorial and on the habrsecondly, placed an advertisement in with the keywords “gift, March 8, new year ...”, thirdly, my friend, blogger Sholademi published an essay about our project, well , fifthly , launched word of mouth among friends .
At this stage, given the passions surrounding the Christmas and New Year holidays, site traffic ranged from 200 to 600 unique visitors per day. This is very small, since I seriously believed that a much larger number of people have difficulty in choosing a gift, in other words, I counted on at least 1000 per day.
The newsletter on Western resources yielded nothing, my link was simply lost among millions of similar ones. Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, the activity in Runet yielded the greatest results.
Yandex.Direct in first place, about 2,000 visitors, and only $ 50 spent (!)
In second place - Sholademi - his post immediately spread to 1,500 friends on LJ, plus to that, some ZhZhists picked up the news and made short essays in their blogs Lake S , siberianjes , vladtkachuk , vladmradio ... In total, thanks to him, somewhere around 1000 visitors came
In the third - the publication of a post on the hub , which gave a total of about 500 visitors
On the fourth - completely unexpectedly, a post on gave as many as 215 visitors
All other sources of welcome visitors were small and to write about them means to bore you, dear reader.
For clarity, I am attaching a graph made in the metric:

Conclusions that I came to during the first two weeks of the existence of Giftology :
a) there are no freebies, you need to work further
b) Yandex. Direct is a source of stable attendance, and very inexpensive
b) Friendship is more expensive than money , thanks cholademi
c) access to the vast Internet is not as simple as it seems. Need to look for approaches. In the Russian segment, it’s somehow simpler and nicer
Today, to my surprise, I discovered that such a service already exists since June of this year and it is very strange that I did not find it before, because repeatedly monitored ru and the Internet ... The service is called , the concept is similar, but I give my word of honor, I am not a plagiarist and invented Giftology myself! Poizuchat this saytik I realized that while there is nothing to be afraid of us and giftologii can be a great future :-)
As promised in the previous post, tell them about your plan B . Today I registered on , in the very near future I will begin to turn on budget impressions targeting English-speaking countries. Let's see what comes of this. All the same, my ultimate goal is to exit to the west. I will report on the progress of the operation.
If this does not work, then I will surely leave for the taiga, settle in a lonely hut, let go of my beard and meditate.
In case gugl.advords not rolling, I have plans . Read about it in my next posts.
In general, after the lyrical digression, I continue my narration:
Firstly, I published the news on Western and Russian sites, including on the advertorial and on the habrsecondly, placed an advertisement in with the keywords “gift, March 8, new year ...”, thirdly, my friend, blogger Sholademi published an essay about our project, well , fifthly , launched word of mouth among friends .
At this stage, given the passions surrounding the Christmas and New Year holidays, site traffic ranged from 200 to 600 unique visitors per day. This is very small, since I seriously believed that a much larger number of people have difficulty in choosing a gift, in other words, I counted on at least 1000 per day.
The newsletter on Western resources yielded nothing, my link was simply lost among millions of similar ones. Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, the activity in Runet yielded the greatest results.
Yandex.Direct in first place, about 2,000 visitors, and only $ 50 spent (!)
In second place - Sholademi - his post immediately spread to 1,500 friends on LJ, plus to that, some ZhZhists picked up the news and made short essays in their blogs Lake S , siberianjes , vladtkachuk , vladmradio ... In total, thanks to him, somewhere around 1000 visitors came
In the third - the publication of a post on the hub , which gave a total of about 500 visitors
On the fourth - completely unexpectedly, a post on gave as many as 215 visitors
All other sources of welcome visitors were small and to write about them means to bore you, dear reader.
For clarity, I am attaching a graph made in the metric:

Conclusions that I came to during the first two weeks of the existence of Giftology :
a) there are no freebies, you need to work further
b) Yandex. Direct is a source of stable attendance, and very inexpensive
b) Friendship is more expensive than money , thanks cholademi
c) access to the vast Internet is not as simple as it seems. Need to look for approaches. In the Russian segment, it’s somehow simpler and nicer
Today, to my surprise, I discovered that such a service already exists since June of this year and it is very strange that I did not find it before, because repeatedly monitored ru and the Internet ... The service is called , the concept is similar, but I give my word of honor, I am not a plagiarist and invented Giftology myself! Poizuchat this saytik I realized that while there is nothing to be afraid of us and giftologii can be a great future :-)
As promised in the previous post, tell them about your plan B . Today I registered on , in the very near future I will begin to turn on budget impressions targeting English-speaking countries. Let's see what comes of this. All the same, my ultimate goal is to exit to the west. I will report on the progress of the operation.
If this does not work, then I will surely leave for the taiga, settle in a lonely hut, let go of my beard and meditate.
In case gugl.advords not rolling, I have plans . Read about it in my next posts.