.Tel Domain: Internet Phone Directory

You can record any data into the system - phone numbers, postal and electronic addresses, addresses of personal web pages and accounts on social networks, ICQ numbers, avatars in MMOG, nicknames on forums and much more. You can work with personal information through a browser or special programs. The idea is that all personal information is conveniently stored in one place, updating as needed. In the profile on Habré and on other sites, this information is already broadcast from the central database, which guarantees its relevance. Moreover, in the future, both the phone books of mobile devices and all other programs will be able to update via DNS. That is, if you change the phone number or email, it is immediately updated in all the phones and mail programs of your friends.
In the future, you should get some kind of global directory, securely encrypted and stored in a distributed DNS system. The British company Telnic, which manages the domain, plans to open a central reference site at telpages.com next year - then the dreams of all the spammers of the world will come true.
In Russia .tel domain registration is available through Regtime (apparently, it is the only one in Russia that has passed accreditation). Registration will take place in three stages:
1. Priority registration (Sunrise) for trademark owners will last two months. The cost of registration during this period will be 10,000 rubles. for three years.
2. The next (Landrush) period will open for all comers from February 3 to March 23 and will be conducted on a first-come-first-registered basis at a price of 9,000 rubles. for three years.
3. Open registration without restrictions will begin on March 24, 2009 at a price of 600 rubles. per year.