Philosophical HTTP Answers 400-410

    Inspired by New Samurai Errors

    400 Bad Request
    A powerful data stream is pouring, but you are not observing the protocol. The mind of power is more important.

    401 Unauthorized
    Unknown your roots. Knowing yourself, come back.

    The remaining

    402 Payment Required
    In order to get something, you need to lose something.

    403 Forbidden Knocking on
    closed doors is futile since there is no one on the other side.

    404 Not Found
    There will be nothing at the end of the path if you go the wrong way.

    405 Method Not Allowed
    Purpose does not justify methods.

    406 Not Acceptable
    Don't demand the impossible, be simpler.

    407 Proxy Authentication Required
    Give others a reason to recognize you. A good deed is easy to remember.

    408 Request Time-out The
    time allotted to you is fleeting. Appreciate him.

    409 Conflict
    Two stubborn people cannot pass through a narrow bridge.

    410 Gone
    Too late, my friend, there is a time for everything.

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