Friedrich Engels and the C ++ Programming Language

    Not so long ago, I recalled the old days in the article “The History of a Programmer or the Path from the Simple to the Point” (parts one and two ). As I wrote, many funny and not so many things that happened in the past were recalled. I wanted to talk about one of these things.

    It would seem that there may be a connection between Friedrich Engels and the C ++ language. I also could not think that such a connection is minimal, microscopic, but still exists in our vast world. To find out more - follow the cat. But I warn you, under the cut dozen links to photos.

    Anti-Dühring today

    This happened 10 years ago when I got my first job in one office, which arose on the basis of the ruins of a coal research institute. One fine day at my work, I took care of the contents of an old bookcase. Nobody ever approached him, but I nevertheless got to look at what lies in it. I don’t remember what exactly the cabinet was filled with, but with something like Soviet literature and the old works of the research institute. However, apart from all the books was the book by Friedrich Engels , Anti-Dühring, one of the main works of the founder of Marxism.

    Only with nothing to do, I turned the cover over and, to my great surprise, saw the picture in the following figure. I was 18 years old, not to say that I was very impressionable, but what I saw just hit me. I used to tell you how difficult technical books were at that time. And here is one of the evidence.

    C ++ programming language

    Not believing my eyes, I turned another page and all doubts were cast aside. Before me was really a great classic work, but not of one of the Marxists, but of the creator of the C ++ language, Bjorn Straustrup .

    Book Spread, 1991

    Preface in the Artifact

    Shocked, I began to study the book. It turned out that an unknown programmer copied every page spread by a method still unknown to me. Copies of disgusting quality by our standards and printed on thin paper. Due to the fact that copies were removed from spreads between each page there is a void, I showed it in the photo. You can also look at the type of paper there. Below is a few where I tried to reflect the most interesting places:

    Paper and spaces between pages

    Copy quality near

    General plan

    Gluing cardboard cover

    On the last page there is a wonderful artifact artifact! Instead of describing the work of Straustrup, the last page is a description of the book “Computer Switching Networks” by a certain Verma P. An

    artifact on an artifact makes it even more expensive

    I will add that the book is very high-quality sewn with threads, the pages are neatly cut with a printing knife and in general the real “Anti-Dühring” was probably not made much better than this creation.


    In conclusion, I want to say that for me this artifact is personally the personification of an entire era. Epochs when imposed values ​​were replaced by others. Imagine a picture of a programmer who is tearing out the Marxist’s text with the root in order to put under his cover the knowledge that he personally needs. The alleged authority is replaced by real authority. C ++ under the cover of Friedrich Engels. “Anti-dühring” - for some reason, it did come in handy ...

    Such was the time.

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