Paranoia - I'm under Google's hood

    I have a Google box. I use it not only rarely, but extremely rarely, at most once a quarter. He went in, looked at the lack of correspondence and left. Cookies are erased immediately after closing browsers.

    So today I go into this box. I see the Google Reader on top (like an RSS aggregator), let’s think I’ll see how it works. I go there, and he offers me

    Recommending you to subscribe to new channels, we compare your interests with the channels of other users who have similar interests.

    International Journal of Remote Sensing: Articles recently published in
    informaworld: articles recently published in International - Weekly Posts: 0.2
    The Flame Trench - Number of posts per week: 57.2
    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: Table of Contents
    Current table of contents from Journal of the Atmospheric ? request = get-toc-rss & issn = 1520-0469 - Number of posts per week: 5.4
    Head in a Cloud
    troposphere and stratosphere meet blogosphere - Number of posts per week : 0,5
    All Points Blog - Number of posts per week: 26.8
    Habrahabr: Home / Hackneyed Number of posts per week: 118.8

    NOAA News Releases
    The latest news releases from NOAA - the National Oceanic and - Number of posts per week: 4.4 Magazine - GIS industry Magazine - Number of messages per week: 1.2

    How, bitch, he learned the scope of my professional interests, if the mailbox has not been checked for months, cookies are lost, IP dynamic (should be) ?!

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