We change office to Macs: what problems?
It's no secret that in the west, small enterprises have long and successfully used Apple products in their work. It is worth noting that large companies are gradually moving to Macs. For example, I recently read on Habré about how this happens at IBM .
However, the world of PCs and Windows still reigns in Russia. What prevents domestic business from carrying out mass switching?
This article is primarily devoted to those who already use the Mac for personal purposes, appreciate the charms and advantages of this platform, but do not dare to use it for work in the office. I mean the leaders of typical small and medium-sized businesses whose activities are related to trade or the provision of services.
We are all familiar with Windows. Today it is quite difficult to find an employee who will have to explain what the taskbar is and where to look for the Microsoft Word launch icon. With Mac OS, things are somewhat different - almost everyone heard about this operating system, but not everyone worked with it. The user has to find out what Dock is, that the RU / ENG layout is switched off using Cmnd + Space ... Actually, that's all. Because you don’t have to remember the rest - the Mac OS X interface is designed almost flawlessly. Based on the experience of cooperation with enterprises from various industries, I can say that almost every manager (lawyer, secretary, etc.) masters the basic tools of Mac OS X within an hour (5 minutes for introductory briefing, the rest is independent study). But after a month or two, pulling it back onto Windows is not an easy task. :) Of course, in the office there should be a person who has experience working on Macs - he will certainly have to answer some questions. However, it does not take much time.
Conclusion: to master the Mac in a short time by the forces of each employee.
The main problem that keeps domestic companies from switching to the Mac is that the popular Russian software is exclusively for Windows. First of all, we are talking about a software package from 1C, the Garant system and banking programs. If it’s difficult to escape from the Guarantor, specific banking software and 1C: Accounting, then the systems for managing sales, customer relations, production, etc. they can easily be implemented using FileMaker Pro, a more powerful analogue of Microsoft’s famous “Access” product. Yes, bookkeeping and the legal department will likely have to settle for a PC or work on Macs using Parallels or VMWare Fusion. But these departments in most firms occupy no more than 20% of the total number of users. Therefore, the remaining 80% can work quite comfortably under Mac OS X.
The advantages of FileMaker Pro solutions over popular ready-made products for Windows are as follows:
Conclusion: in most cases, the problem with the software is solved, and the solution is superior in efficiency to many standard developments.
I tried by all means to find the third problem, but could not. All issues of private switching were discussed on the Internet more than one hundred times, and I do not want to once again indulge in hackneyed topics.
Conclusion: there are not many problems. Save money. :)
UPD: In the discussion, the question of why switch to the Mac is acute. I think that those who are already working on this platform, everything is clear without words. And for those who are not in the subject, here .
UPD 2:I don’t need to ask questions about the reasons for switching to Mac. I focused the article on those who are already thinking about the transition, but are facing some problems. I already wrote in the comments and I repeat here: I do not consider price a problem. I am convinced that working on Macs is comfort. I mean ergonomics, the absence of viruses, the quality of software and much more in the concept of comfort. More comfortable conditions are more expensive, and it seems to me that this is fair. I am not campaigning for Mack, but merely expressing my opinion and want to outline the decision of the technical side of the transition. I am ready to discuss it. In fact, the Mac will suit even the majority of companies, but not all. Whether a particular company needs to switch to a new platform is not for me to think and decide.
If someone fundamentally disagrees with me, you have the right to turn the remnants of my karma into ashes. :)
However, the world of PCs and Windows still reigns in Russia. What prevents domestic business from carrying out mass switching?
This article is primarily devoted to those who already use the Mac for personal purposes, appreciate the charms and advantages of this platform, but do not dare to use it for work in the office. I mean the leaders of typical small and medium-sized businesses whose activities are related to trade or the provision of services.
Problem number 1: the burdens of adaptation
We are all familiar with Windows. Today it is quite difficult to find an employee who will have to explain what the taskbar is and where to look for the Microsoft Word launch icon. With Mac OS, things are somewhat different - almost everyone heard about this operating system, but not everyone worked with it. The user has to find out what Dock is, that the RU / ENG layout is switched off using Cmnd + Space ... Actually, that's all. Because you don’t have to remember the rest - the Mac OS X interface is designed almost flawlessly. Based on the experience of cooperation with enterprises from various industries, I can say that almost every manager (lawyer, secretary, etc.) masters the basic tools of Mac OS X within an hour (5 minutes for introductory briefing, the rest is independent study). But after a month or two, pulling it back onto Windows is not an easy task. :) Of course, in the office there should be a person who has experience working on Macs - he will certainly have to answer some questions. However, it does not take much time.
Conclusion: to master the Mac in a short time by the forces of each employee.
Problem number 2: lack of required software
The main problem that keeps domestic companies from switching to the Mac is that the popular Russian software is exclusively for Windows. First of all, we are talking about a software package from 1C, the Garant system and banking programs. If it’s difficult to escape from the Guarantor, specific banking software and 1C: Accounting, then the systems for managing sales, customer relations, production, etc. they can easily be implemented using FileMaker Pro, a more powerful analogue of Microsoft’s famous “Access” product. Yes, bookkeeping and the legal department will likely have to settle for a PC or work on Macs using Parallels or VMWare Fusion. But these departments in most firms occupy no more than 20% of the total number of users. Therefore, the remaining 80% can work quite comfortably under Mac OS X.
The advantages of FileMaker Pro solutions over popular ready-made products for Windows are as follows:
- Support for Windows and Mac, as well as accessibility through a web-based interface.
- Simplicity of application development - to work with FileMaker it is not necessary to be a programmer at all; it’s enough to have a brain and basic computer skills.
- Adapting the solution to the needs of the enterprise - complex individual projects based on FileMaker Pro solve the specific tasks of the company and do not contain anything superfluous.
- Really simple integration and support for system performance.
Conclusion: in most cases, the problem with the software is solved, and the solution is superior in efficiency to many standard developments.
Problem number 3, where are you?
I tried by all means to find the third problem, but could not. All issues of private switching were discussed on the Internet more than one hundred times, and I do not want to once again indulge in hackneyed topics.
Conclusion: there are not many problems. Save money. :)
UPD: In the discussion, the question of why switch to the Mac is acute. I think that those who are already working on this platform, everything is clear without words. And for those who are not in the subject, here .
UPD 2:I don’t need to ask questions about the reasons for switching to Mac. I focused the article on those who are already thinking about the transition, but are facing some problems. I already wrote in the comments and I repeat here: I do not consider price a problem. I am convinced that working on Macs is comfort. I mean ergonomics, the absence of viruses, the quality of software and much more in the concept of comfort. More comfortable conditions are more expensive, and it seems to me that this is fair. I am not campaigning for Mack, but merely expressing my opinion and want to outline the decision of the technical side of the transition. I am ready to discuss it. In fact, the Mac will suit even the majority of companies, but not all. Whether a particular company needs to switch to a new platform is not for me to think and decide.
If someone fundamentally disagrees with me, you have the right to turn the remnants of my karma into ashes. :)