ya.ru - centipede

    I don’t know if Yandex is preparing another ya.ru deface , but I really hope not. I want to believe that what is located at http://www.ya.ru/tabs/  is just an experiment.

    However, the opinion of interface experts is interesting, is there any other solution to the problem, if it is known that you need to fit the search on all Yandex services in one search line?

    The main condition is to preserve the pristine purity of ya.ru , of course :-)

    Options in the comments
    - The very first option
    - Another option . A little more familiar to Yandex users
    - Also an option
    - It seems to me that the train of thought is correct.Those only in profile
    - Another option from a lopanism
    - deprived user karma - Original version

    Links to the topic
    - " Я.ru для гурУ " on the Yandex blog
    - Original tabooed Я.ру by KyberPrizrak

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