We are going to the grandmother in the village with a Rusavtobus map

How nice it is to go to the May holidays in the countryside! Where instead of computers and concrete walls, fresh air and blooming flowers. And if you like city landscapes, then you will be pleased to visit friends in a distant city.
The Russian Routes service database currently contains 3,593 inter-city and international bus routes passing through 2,740 settlements in the Russian Federation, as well as in 23 European countries.
To make it easier and more visual for you to search for the road, the service has introduced the ability to view the route on a map with the final and all intermediate cities, if any.
The route drawn on the map allows you to visually assess the distance between the stops, as well as understand in advance what will be outside the window: forests or mountains, cities or villages. It will immediately become clear when it is possible to sleep, and when it is better to get a camera and make a beautiful shot.
To date, the database “Routes of Russia” has some settlements that developers have not yet indicated on the maps. If you know where any cities or villages are located, but they are not marked on the map, then write to us: together we will make the map better.
I wish you a happy journey and a happy May holidays!