The combination of traditional folk “ gadgets ” with modern technology is a long-standing passion of Japanese scientists . The alarm clock was followed by a “ cuckoo clock ”, a thing that would seem to be forever gone from the everyday life of a modern person.

Futuristic watch modification is streamlined and minimalistic. The digital dial is projected directly onto the surface of the device, with the help of simple settings the image can be enlarged, reduced, changed the style and color of the numbers. The default cuckoo makes a sound digitized from the prototype (a tribute to vintage nostalgia ), but the default melody can be easily changed to any .mp3 file
It is planned to launch a full-size wall-mounted version and a mobile miniature, with a built-in plug for a wall outlet. The developers also plan to create a desktop near-computer model powered by usb.
Other projections of the gadget (and larger images) are on my blog .

Futuristic watch modification is streamlined and minimalistic. The digital dial is projected directly onto the surface of the device, with the help of simple settings the image can be enlarged, reduced, changed the style and color of the numbers. The default cuckoo makes a sound digitized from the prototype (a tribute to vintage nostalgia ), but the default melody can be easily changed to any .mp3 file
It is planned to launch a full-size wall-mounted version and a mobile miniature, with a built-in plug for a wall outlet. The developers also plan to create a desktop near-computer model powered by usb.
Other projections of the gadget (and larger images) are on my blog .