Why doesn’t anyone know how to reserve a military commissar as a reserve officer?

    My friend, a human rights activist, and without two minutes a Ph.D. in law wrote a
    fundamental and very practical work - how to reserve
    a law enforcement officer to push off a military commissar .
    However, in my opinion, few people have a chance to find this wonderful reference
    publication through search engines. Why?
    First of all, due to neglect of several internal (depending on the webmaster)
    factors. Below is a list of them.

    1. Useless insignificant title tags and page descriptions

    Open the code of the web page (perhaps this menu is View - As html ...). Here
    these tags:
    4CS.Ru: Статьи и публикации

    What they should look like ideally
    Основания для признания призыва офицера запаса на военную<br> службу незаконным
    NAME = "description" CONTENT = "
    Maxim Burmitsky's legal reference article on how to reserve officer to protect his rights and not to
    join the army">

    When writing both the title of the article and its description, use the Yandex.Direct service to
    analyze the popularity of keywords. Your task is to select the most popular
    queries that match your article and create a headline and description for this article
    using these words.

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