The story of the hackers "The Life of Carder Black," 2 and 3 chapters

“Black was not a hacker from movies. He did not crack the Pentagon, did not merge the FBI database and was not in the service of a secret society, ruling the world. Maxim, so the guy was called in real life, he worked for carders.
He liked it. ”
Chapter list:
1. Work online
2. Add as friend?
3. Money
Chapter 2. Add to friends?
Very hot. Black squinted and looked around.
The sun.
This arrogant ruthless light.
Eyes were watery due to allergies, which started with the arrival of spring. The electronic clock on the table showed 13:37.
Well, well, he grinned.
Black was already half an hour in bed. I wanted water. My throat is dry, as happens when you sleep with your mouth open. The body ached. It seemed that not only the clothes that were too lazy to take off, but also his head seemed to heal.
Unloved time.
After spending the night at the computer, the world looked gray and repulsive. Like an alcoholic who is trying to get out of the binge. Black drank so often last year that he knew this condition well. Moreover, most recently he made a promise to his girlfriend Ira to quit with alcohol and smoking.
Forever and ever.
“Cigarettes and alcohol - for wimps! Understand you! Their producers simply profit from dependent people. And most importantly, they are destroying our nation, ”the arguments
came up in my head, boring arguments similar to propaganda slogans ... But he had to agree.
So it was easier.
I wanted to prove that she was mistaken.
Lasted 16 days.
The look focused on an ashtray with yesterday's cigarette butts.
"Could not resist. Slacker, ”Irin’s voice sounded in his mind.
Well, then, now another cigarette will not change anything. She will definitely be the last.
Black rose, looking for the eyes of the lighter. An unexpected surge of energy. A memory of yesterday’s message from Mar came to my mind. Maxim turned on the computer, surprised at his carelessness.
And why didn't I do it right away? So silly! Damned insomnia. With this antinicotine abstinence, I became too absent-minded.
Last excuse, and Black lit up. He opened the letter and, without reading it, looked at the sender's address.
Just in case, the SMTP header looked, but I didn’t find anything interesting. I went to the site, but he did not open. Entered the address in the whois service to check the domain owner, and thought.
Maksim V. Pavlov
It seems that divorce is more serious than it seemed to me.
Black opened icq and told Red.
“Red (14:02:03 05/10/05):
” Red (14:02:03 05/10/05):
domain is registered in your name? ”
“ Black (14:02:30 10/05 / 2005):
Yes. Pavlov Maxim
“Red (14:03:04 05/10/2005):
mb the namesake?
“Red (14:03:10 05/10/2005):
or does the owner’s phone match?”
“Black (14:03:30 05/10/05):
My number is indicated”
“Red (14:03:50 10 / 05/2005):
hmm, listen to contact Green ”
“ Red (14:03:59 05/10/05):
he must know services in order to break through the domain owner ”
Reasonably. Black found Green in the contact list.
“Black (14:03:33 05/10/2005):
Great. How do you? I immediately to the point. We need to know the passport data of the domain owner. Is this possible? ”
“ Green (14:03:33 05/10/2005):
What is the domain? ”
Black sent the address to his friend.
He liked in Green that he never asked too many questions. Now I just had to wait.
After two puffs, the thirst became even stronger, and he put out a cigarette. Headache.
Black got up, almost falling, stumbling over a blanket on the floor and went to the kitchen. Ira often complained about how unpleasant she was to be here because of the mess. She said that the apartment did not have enough female hands and comfort, all the more aggressively hinting at the move.
Going to the sink, he opened the faucet and took cold water in his hands. Loaded in their face. Freshness. Black was about to take the cup, but again he remembered Ira, who did not like his bruises under his eyes, and therefore she forbade him to drink unfiltered water. Allegedly, it had a bad effect on the kidneys. Maxim could not prove to her that the reason is different, that it happens to almost everyone who spends too much time in front of the monitor.
He began to swallow water straight from the tap.
They met on the Internet when he was 17, and she was 19. Maxim then, like many friends, often climbed porn sites. When he got access to other people's credit cards, he began to pay for their private video chats. Ira was one of the girls who earned by undressing in front of a webcam. Usually, trying to portray a foreigner, he wrote them in English, but once he realized that he was Russian, without knowing why, he started a conversation in his native language. After a while, took her phone number. Relationships developed rapidly.
Ira was from Voronezh. Since childhood, she dreamed of leaving her native city, considering herself worthy of more, becoming a famous actress or a successful model. She told how difficult it is to break through somewhere without connections, and that, therefore, having learned from a friend about the lucrative work on foreign websites, she decided that it was a good option to save money for moving to Moscow. Moreover, the organizers promised complete anonymity, and that their clients were foreigners.
When Maxim worked with carders, and money began to appear, he insisted that she give up her job and help her move to the capital. I paid for professional shooting for a portfolio in a model agency, because Ira said that her photos look too provincial. He was pleased to help her, although he was not sure that she was a model career. Black doubted that she was as beautiful as she thought. He did not like her eyes too large and wide apart, making her look like a fish or an alien. And this nose is like a little penny. When she was angry, sometimes there was a feeling that she was about to grumble.
He wanted them to live together, but Ira insisted that it was better not to rush until school was over, allegedly because of her parents. As a result, they found her a room not far from home to see more often.
Now, when three years have passed, their relationship has changed a lot. Ira spent a lot of time on casting and filming, the agency had to taste her “interesting, not standard face”. We met rarely, cursed more. Ira increasingly hinted that it was time to move to a new stage, to start living together. Began to roll scenes of jealousy. Black did not tell the truth about what he was doing. It was suspicious, she thought that he was cheating.
- Do you think me some kind of fool ?! - Ira screamed during another quarrel.
After such questions, Black was lost, not knowing how to answer. What can I say to a person who has chosen the nickname SweetKitten18. What to say to the girl who cares only she. Why bother to say anything?
He had long wanted to quit this relationship, but did not dare.
When Black moved out of his parents to a separate apartment, he settled there alone.
He looked at the dishwasher, loaded the cups with plates in there and turned on the machine. In the evening, the parents had to come, I didn’t want to hear from my mother, what a mess he had.
Black took a plate of scrambled eggs, a cup of coffee and returned to the computer. There was already a message from Green.
The domain was registered with his data from the new passport, which he recently received after his twentieth anniversary. Black rushed to check the documents and abruptly opened the drawer of the table, wondering who could pull him when and when.
Passport in place.
Lies in its new brown cover, donated by Ira.
He took it in his hands, just in case he turned over several times, looked at the light and even sniffed. It smells fresh skin.
Nothing suspicious. It seems that no one touched the document.
Black sat on the chair.
Who is this mar and how did he get the data.
He began to feel a little sick of the assumptions and Black decided to take a walk.
After walking a couple of hours through the streets of Moscow, Black stopped in a park not far from his home. Physical fatigue worked soothingly. He sat enjoying the weather. Spring. Favorite season. Neither hot nor cold, fresh wind, the first sun and a sense of hope that everything can be changed. Black looked at the children, lost in thought.
“Naive,” he thought. As long as the parents protect their children, the child’s brain is not capable of cunning. These little people still do not know that relatives can betray, and each act has two sides, which are not always noticeable to others. They do not imagine that sometimes they will have to choose not what is good, but what is necessary, if only to somehow exist in this world. Happy. ”
The flow of thoughts interrupted the familiar voice of Red.
- Hi brother!
Tall, slightly stooped, in washed-up jeans, a shirt, with headphones on his head and a backpack on his shoulders. Blond curly hair and not a man's plump lips. Pasha, he's Red, best friend in life. We went to school together, sat at the same desk, both recognized the world on the net, moved there and made their first money. They were so close that when Black moved, Red rented an apartment in the same area.
Pasha was the rare person Black really trusted. He had long been convinced that online feelings such as honesty and sincerity should be forgotten forever, if you do not want problems.
“There are only temporary acquaintances with whom something connects you. Partners, ”he justified his unwillingness to get close to new people. - “There can be no talk of friendship, unless you want such a friend to surrender you at the first interrogation.”
With Red, everything was different. Pasha, one of the few on the Internet, knew the real name of Black - Max.
The first acquaintance with the network from friends happened at the age of 14. Father gave Maxim a birthday modem, and for some reason he took the word from his son that this purchase would help him. He probably meant something else, but, on the whole, turned out to be right. Black remembers that moment as turning in his life.
Having connected to the internet for the first time, he didn’t know what to do. He called Red, with whom they began to torment rambler. The guys spent more than one day doing this. Once at school, a classmate gave a link to the Quake 3 fan site. It was one of his favorite toys. There he heard for the first time the word “hackers” when some pests hacked the project, and on the main page hung a link to their forum.
He was curious and he went to see who they were. He did not understand almost a single word of the topics discussed. Deface, float, trojan, flood, sniff. There was a lot of information, and he began to sit on this forum of black color all day long. He told Red, who later became involved too.
Now he is funny and a little ashamed to remember those times, but it's nice. Happy carefree days. At first, Black was doing what the newcomers in this business like to suffer. Defisil sites, password passwords to mails and icq, yuzal free Internet and hacked chat Then it was fun for him, he rested with his friends after, and more and more often, instead of school.
There were three of them. Black, Red and Green is the guy they met on the forum. They came up with such nicknames at the same time, in order to somehow show their unity, took three colors that seemed appropriate to them, and called themselves hacking “SPECTR”. Black is serious and dark, Red is hot-tempered and bright, and Green is the most calm and sensible.
And although formally their team had long since fallen apart as unnecessary, they were still friends, and their nicknames were more and more justified. Black plunged into illegal activity, contacted carders, sold stolen bases to them and wrote exploits. Red departed from the hack, went deep into programming, unlike the best friend, did it rather out of interest, he didn’t have much money with him. Green, who began as an avid actor, turned out to be the first to become interested in carding. He was interested in everything that brought money. Any occupation in the network, which needed the talent of an entrepreneur.
Now, when the fun turned into work, and there was a list of cases for which you can get a deadline, Black became very careful. I did not want to go to prison, so I had to constantly lie and hide. He even began to doubt whether it was worth telling a friend he had always trusted about the letter. But it was too late.
- Hey are you there? - Red looked at him. - Move over.
“I'm glad to see you too,” smiled Black. - How do you?
- I? The best!
- Is it after yesterday?
- Yesterday? And what about yesterday? Are you talking about dnyuhu? In vain did not go! It was zashib. Ira your only about you constantly asked, got, to be honest. You already either part with it, or do something, I don’t know ...
- Ira, - Black mumbled.
He absolutely did not want to think, and even more, to talk about his girlfriend, because of whom he did not have time to merge the base of credit cards yesterday.
“Listen, I understand what's the matter,” Red said cheerfully.
- What?
- How is it that there is a domain in your name and phone number? Maybe this, that? - grinning, he twisted at his temple.
- What? - Black did not understand.
- Well it. You suffer from a split personality. You know. He wrote and forgot himself?
Black looked at him in surprise.
- Are you kidding me? Palanika read something?
- So what? Why just scoff? Think of it! Mind games? - continued Red. - Even if this is true, then you will not know!
“Oh, you,” Black, who, though he liked the story of Tyler, did not want to joke now. - Better really think about who and how could get my passport information.
- Did you check the computer? Nout?
- Yes, I checked everything.
After a few minutes, the conversation reached a dead end, and Red, who did not seem to appreciate his friend's feelings, turned the subject. He got a beer out of his backpack.
- Hold on. I completely forgot.
Black hesitated, because he decided that he had already quit drinking. But he absolutely did not want to talk about it, much less listen to what a henpecked he was. He took the bottle, opened it and took a sip.
Without noticing himself, he drank it all up in a gulp.
- Good beer. It’s worth living for that, ”he said thoughtfully, trying to avoid talking about himself.
“Someone thinks it's worth living for it,” Red grinned, pointing at the pocket from which the wallet was sticking out.
He obviously had problems with money.
- Money, they rule the world. The whole world. Even the network. Noticed how the Internet has changed? He asked Black with a philosophical expression.
- Well, yes ... Everything is changing ... - Maxim squeezed out of himself, who didn’t want to listen at all, his friend’s complaints had already become familiar.
“Before, everyone was eager for knowledge,” Red continued his thought, “we studied, searched, learned. Now ...
A teenager rode by on a bicycle, from whose headphones came Kanye West.
- It's like a turnip!
- In terms of?
- Well, look, there used to be WuTang, Onyx, 2Pac. Yes, gangsters. They were personalities with their own history, thoughts, and ideas. They worked because they wanted to prove something. And now? A huge number of indistinguishable benchmarks sing about how cool they live, and what a buzz when a lot of dough.
“Yes ...” Black opened another bottle, he tried to listen to a friend.
- Also in the underground. All newbies want easy money. I downloaded it, hacked the forum, flooded the shell and was done. Not a damn thing to do and get a loot, ”Red got excited, who liked to philosophize. - Few people are interested just to look for vulnerabilities, the main thing is to sell them.
- Come on, Pasch. Stop whining, - he smiled, said Black. “All the way, this is life, you and I are not much better.” Although in something you are right. I offer a toast to the knowledge! He said loudly and took a sip.
“For new knowledge,” Red supported and took a sip. - Good beer.
Red was very different from his friend. He lived more often in debt, he hardly paid rented accommodation and occasionally ate noodles from the packages. Despite his intellectual abilities, he did not know how to earn. And even when something appeared, everything was quickly spent on drugs and alcohol.
“Good life,” said Black with pleasure.
Despite all the problems, the mood has improved. They sat for some time and went their separate ways.
At home, as always, the first thing Black checked mail.
“Spam, spam, spam,” he said aloud, removing the letters from the mailbox.
Attention drew the headline "I look after you, Blackie." He read the text.
“My dear blackies.
I see everything and want to help you, I know even what you yourself do not know yet. problems are coming one after another, and then it will only get worse, do not give up, I'm with you.
your friend Mar
zs Do not miss your blond love today at midnight in the store opposite. "
Black sent a letter to the basket. He was annoyed by this Mar, whoever he was. He decided that the best cure for the experience was work. Moreover, my mother called and said that they could not come today, so the whole evening was free.
Maxim launched Mozilla. A window appeared - Restore the previous session?
Yes - without hesitation, he clicked and looked at the opened tabs.
Whois service ... | Mazafaka ... | WASM ....
Black was going to modify the virus, the source of which was recently dispersed on the Internet. He exploited a buffer overflow in MS SQL Server 2000. Maxim got into the code and stopped thinking about something else.
It was only when the cigarettes that he smoked out, forgetting about his promise, ended, Black finally got distracted and decided to go to the store.
The clock was 23:15.
While Black Kodil, it rained on the street, and the roads were covered in puddles. Despite the fact that it was already May, it was immediately cold outside.
"In vain he did not take the jacket," he thought, "Although it may shiver me from fear?" He immediately grinned to himself.
Black was not from cowardly people, but not where the matter concerned the police, department K, the FSB, the FBI, and everything else in that spirit. In these matters, he often caught himself thinking that he was being watched, and at times it seemed that there was some kind of clever setup everywhere. He understood that he was exaggerating, but he could do nothing about it. Tried to think many times before, something to tell someone.
And now he was going to meet with some girl about whom a stranger had written.
He was curious, and nothing, no common sense, would have been able to reason with Black.
He stopped in front of a traffic light. The puddles glowed red, and an unpleasant wind blew into the back of the head. Each person has his own strangeness, it was his - to go only to the green light, even when the road is empty.
“Hi, Max,” a woman’s voice came from behind her.
A shiver ran through her body.
“Maybe it is she?” - immediately a thought appeared in her head. - “But I'm still not in the store. We must turn around. Or pretend that I am not Max? ”
It took less than a second, and no matter what decision Black himself took, his head had already turned to meet the girl who had greeted him.
“Ah, hello, Marin,” said Black, with relief or disappointment.
It was his former classmate. Their parents talked, so he knew her well. The girl with the syndrome excellent student, the best student of the school. He somehow walked her at the Olympiad in Mathematics, and was very proud then. Received whether in Moscow State University, or MEPI.
“It’s amazing how she got to this area?” A reasonable question arose.
- How are you? - asked the girl of short stature, piercingly looking at him.
He remembered this look of her from the time of their friendship in elementary school. When Black began to spend more time with Red, for some reason he was uncomfortable in front of her and he came up with various absurd excuses. It was hard to lie when they looked at you like that.
“She must have been in love with me,” he thought not for the first time.
- Yes, I live, - mumbled the guy. - And how are you? Are you working? Family?
Black asked about the family out of courtesy, he did not think that she could have someone. Too keen on learning. Yes, and appearance rather mediocre.
It became for some reason embarrassing.
"Although, it seems, Marina has become prettier," - said Black, considering her figure.
- I am fine. I study, - the girl answered without intonation, - Ok, I have to go, I was glad to see you. Good luck.
Without waiting for an answer, I turned around and went towards the green car. "Same strange," Black concluded for himself, looking after the car drove off. He felt stupid. The green light came on and Black headed towards the store. It was convenient that he worked around the clock. He wandered between the rows, took a soda, salad, chips and moved to the checkout. From beer and cigarettes decided to abstain. The meeting with Marina suggested that we should train willpower.
He persistently looked out for blondes who were not there. He even felt hurt that nothing had happened.
- Hello! Package need? - I heard Black appeal to himself.
A tired girl with a “Alina” badge looked at him.
The timer has worked on the clock.
"Hmm. 12 nights, ”Black smiled in his mind. - “Maybe this is my love? She’s like a blonde. ”
From under the stupid cashier’s cap, she could see blonde hair in a ponytail.
- No thanks. You have a beautiful name, - without thinking, he blurted out.
And then he felt ashamed of such vulgarity. Black recalled the pickup lessons that they watched with Red when he decided that he needed to change his life.
- Thank you, - the girl answered without interest, - you have 96 rubles.
Black began to examine her carefully. Not beautiful, but not ugly, with Ira, of course, can not be compared, but something was attractive in it. Maybe an unusual combination of light blond hair and oriental slanting eyes.
- Something else? - asked the girl when the pause was delayed.
Black thought. He did not know what to do. For some reason he really wanted to meet her. But it turned out that he followed the instructions from the letter.
“Yes,” replied Black, “your telephone number.”
He did not have much experience with girls, and he felt completely unsure. In the end, they still exchanged numbers and agreed on a trip to the cinema.
The next day Black brought Alina home. After the film, he did not expect to get a positive response at all, offered to go to him. The girl agreed. She said that she just needed to go to work at 12 at night, and it would be nice to wait out this time with him.
They were sitting in the kitchen drinking tea.
The film turned out to be boring, and Black struggled to fix the date, remembering all the jokes he knows. It seems that the girl was interesting to him, the conversation was easy.
“Are you sure you don't want something stronger?” - Black asked again.
- Sure. I go to work, - Alina smiled, - Yes, and I don’t like alcohol.
She held out her hand to the cookie pack. It was so different from Ira, who did not eat flour and always scolded Maxim, saying that he would grow a stomach if he continued to devour the sweet.
Although Alina was too full for model standards, Black, having carefully examined her during this time, decided that she was quite attractive.
- And what are you doing, Mr. Mystery? - smiled girl.
- Mr. Mystery? Why so?
- Well, we already talk 2 hours, I told almost everything about myself. And where I live, I study, I work, about parents. And you have not a word about yourself. Maybe you're a criminal what? Are you hiding Who is looking for you? Interpol? - Alina said cheerfully.
Black was not funny. He immediately came to his senses.
“Who sent you ?!”, a question immediately arose in his mind.
He was scared and disgusted by the fact that he himself had brought her to him. So silly.
Black looked at the new acquaintance with a completely different look, with that usual suspiciousness and paranoia.
“And how well they thought it over. They sent a letter, sent it to a meeting, ”thoughts ran through my head.
- What? - Alina asked, biting off another cookie.
Black thought.
“Oh no, what nonsense! Why so difficult? If they wanted to tie me up, they would have made it much easier. "
- Yes, everything is fine ... I am overtired by something. Job. You see.
“Okay,” said the girl, rising abruptly from her chair. - have passed. I just have to go to work, I guess I'll go.
Black looked at his watch. Only half past ten.
But he did not argue.
- Yes, of course, good. Will we see you again?
- Everything is in your hands, Maxim.
He liked how Alina uttered his name. Gently. Flirting.
The girl said that it was not necessary to accompany her, and since she did not want to go anywhere, Black did not argue. He was very tired and really wanted to sleep.
But before going to bed, out of habit, I went to the computer to check my mail. There was a very short letter from Red.
“Great, where are you lost?”
Turn on ICQ quickly, I found a bug on the Stiles website !! ”The
dream immediately disappeared.
Chapter 3. Money.
Black hated Stiles. He considered him to be his enemy, and sometimes he began to think about murder. Of course, not seriously, but he liked to imagine that, theoretically, such a possibility exists. Their dislike was mutual.
The first time Black heard about him in one of the forums, when he was just starting his way as a hacker. By that time, Stills was already known in the underground get-together, kept his project dedicated to information security, wrote articles for a hacker magazine, but very few people knew what he was doing. Maxim, then still in school, he did not play enough of a hacker and loved to attract attention to himself by any means. Once, together with Red, they hacked into the Stills website and hung a deface there, like “Hacked by Black & Red”. For them at that time it was a special event. They were just lucky, but they talked a lot about it. There is so much interest in two unknown guys before. Black with Red rejoiced.
Contact sheet icq increased dramatically, filling with new contacts. Maxim, while still naive, talked too much about himself, and finding him was not a big deal. Finding new friends, he, as is usually the case, found enemies. Stills, who wanted to take revenge on the offender, through his acquaintances, learned everything he needed and attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies to Black, who liked to use the Internet at someone else's expense.
Stills did not care for what would attract the guy, he really wanted to punish the upstart.
For Black, it was a shock. As a result, because of his age, he received only a suspended sentence.
It was hard to explain everything to parents. Maxim invented a bike that did not understand what he was doing. He himself doubted that his father and mother believed in it, but those had no particular choice. He was not denied access to the computer, but was told to forget about the Internet while he was living in their house.
It seemed to be the end. What should he do without forums, ICQ, online communication? Without hackers? What to spend all the free time? Of course, he could find access to the Internet from his friend, but Black was scared and decided to slow down. In addition to games, he became interested in coding. He was no longer enough to just spend time at the computer, I wanted to figure it out. He began to learn programming languages, studied Linux, FreeBSD. The father did not object to this, and even bought his son CDs with software distribution kits and electronic libraries.
He went online, but rarely, usually from Red, to read forums and, sometimes, to ask questions to more experienced people. Only at the age of 17 I connected myself to the Internet. By that time, Black already had a stock of knowledge, and he realized how stupid and insignificant everything was that he had been doing and was proud of before. That now he can not only entertain, but also earn the money that he has become necessary.
At first, he tried to do it legally, selling website engines and writing custom scripts. But Green, who by that time became one of the administrators of the popular icq project and already imbued with the theme of carding, advised Black to try it out there.
“If you don’t know what to do, just work for someone, even try to drive a hammer,” said Green once, when Maxim complained to a friend about problems with money. Black thought.
For a month, he visited a popular Karders forum, where among endless announcements about buying and selling, advertising services and services, he read useful articles for a newbie. Studying this topic, Black delved into the world of banking frauds and eventually quickly found his place there. He began to engage in hacking, but with a different purpose. Now Black was interested in the credit card database.
He remembered well his first hacking for money. It was not like in childhood. Nervous much stronger. After all, he understood that it was not just illegal, but connected with theft. Having the experience of meeting with law enforcement agencies, for a long time he doubted whether to even get involved in it. But the desire to earn and excitement defeated fear.
Once logging on to the store's website and clicking on several links, Black stopped at the product page. Mechanically, he added a quotation mark to the product number in the URL, and, as usual, he was met by a page with a MySQL query error. With a few queries, he retrieved the table names and the names of the fields containing customer information and, to save time, launched a self-written script for dumping tables. A few minutes later he already had data on all customers of this store. And at the same time about their credit cards.
It turned out to be so simple.
I found a buyer on the forum and got my money. Black was pleased.
I also tried myself in clothing carding, but I quickly realized that it was not for him. One day, after reading articles, Black bought an enroll, found a shop, Green, who was in the subject, advised him to drop-guide, because he needed a person who would receive the goods in America. Using the proxy of the same state and city where the drop lived, he himself inserted a card in the shop and made an order, changing the name and address of the cardholder to the info of this person. Black was very worried and was sure that nothing would work out. So it happened.
The cardholder called the bank, and the shop gave a decline. Drop burned and wrote that he passed all the logs to the police.
For more than a month, a novice carder sat on treason and waited for him to come. But no one showed up, and eventually Black realized that no one needed him. At this stage, for sure, and maybe in general.
When a conscience began to speak, Black recalled the excuse Green shared with him.
“And what are you worried about? In fact, carders do no real harm to anyone. All the money that you have withdrawn from the card, the bank will return it to the holder. Insurance funds all cover. This is how the system works. In general, do not bother your head with nonsense. "
Black was jealous of his calm, he could not. But he liked the money now. Just at that time, he met Ira, and there was much to spend them on.
Over time, Black found out that Stills was also associated with carding. He still hated him, so the news that Red found a bug on the site made him very happy. In my head began to emerge fantasies of revenge, which he scrolled during these years.
Before unsubscribing Red, Black decided to calm down a bit. He was too agitated. My heart began to pound fast.
It seems to be played again by the IRR.
We must wash.
He entered the bath and turned on the cold water and put his hands under the stream. Cool.
Black closed his eyes, trying to collect thoughts. I wanted to smoke.
"Eating something will be easier."
Excitement did not allow more delay, and taking a towel, he went to the computer.
I switched on ICQ and immediately showered windows with messages sent to it offline. Black found where the nickname Red glowed.
“Red (22:55:23 05/05/2005):
I hacked it !!! I thought everything. ”
“ Red (22:55:57 05/05/2005):
what will we do next? can we remember the old days and zadefeysim? ”
Black had a wicked smile on his face. Now that the Stills project has become much more popular and serious, it would be quite funny to report to the network what happened. Hate and resentment, as is usually the case, began to interfere with sober thinking. He would be happy to do any dirty trick, all the more so noticeable. The memories of the visit to the department K, how Steeles passed it the last time, became brighter and brighter.
While he was thinking, a message came from Red, who saw that Black had appeared online.
“Red (10:56:33 05/05/2005):
so? What are we going to do ?? ”
Now they were again risking, and fear began to slowly overshadow other emotions.
In fact, there was no need for a deface, if Red really managed to merge the base, you can try to collect compromising evidence on Stills, his logins, passwords. Come up with more serious revenge. You don’t even have to go to the police, you can ruin your life in other ways.
Black began to reflect on the fact that this is really good luck. Many are looking for vulnerabilities on the Stills website, but this is not so easy, everything has been fixed a long time ago. And here, Red managed it.
“I wonder how.”
“Black (22:58:00 05/05/2005):
How did you find the bug? Himself? ”
He didn’t think his friend was stupid, but he understood that Red hadn’t been engaged in hacking for a long time, and he hardly fumbles. There was an inscription that Red is typing a message, but there was no answer. Black wrote again.
“Black (22:59:40 05/05/2005):
I do not believe that you yourself found it. Come on, c00lh4k3r R3d! ”
“ Black (23:00:02 05/05/2005)
:? ”
No reaction. He began to worry. After 15 minutes the window flashed.
“Red (23:15:20 05/11/2005):
you'd better not know”
“Well, no, just to write, he will now pull in the middle of the night,” recalled the habits of Reda Black. - "Well, at least not offended."
“Black (23:15:58 05/05/2005)
Silence. Red did not answer, and Black thought that he was probably too harsh when a message arrived.
“Red (23:22:20 05/11/2005):
your psycho mar wrote me about this vulnerability. the type wants to help us and all that. count up. no matter who it is, thanks to him !! ”
At first Black did not believe what he saw. I read it again.
“Mar?” - consciousness screamed that it was bad. “Why does this maniac do all this, what does he need?”
“Black (23:23:03 05/05/2005):,
kzlm htl ns cjdctv ht [yekcz &&&” For
anger, he forgot to switch the layout.
Some kind of nonsense, he mused.
Hands began to shake again. He got up from his chair and began to walk around the room, inhaling deeply. There was a feeling of lack of air. Black opened the wide open window.
Having calmed down a little, I returned to the computer.
"Black (23:30:33 05/11/2005
Yes, are you a drug addict? Has the roof completely gone down?"
"Black (23:30:57 05/05/2005):
I told you about this mare"
"Black ( 23:31:45 05/11/2005):
What are you all about?
”Black (23:32:50 05/05/2005):
We do not know what he thought. After all, this may be the podstvo ”
Black for anger began to make typos. He continued to bang.
“How can you be so stupid?” He asked himself. “This is all Red. Not at all thinking about the consequences. ”
Black was scared. Now he is really scared.
From the beginning, someone finds out about his hacking, somehow gets his passport data, drives with a suspicious girl, says that he is watching him, and knows everything, now he is still helping them to hack the Stills website.
What for? And how does he know so much about him? Maybe all this is a setup, they want to catch Black, to get him put. After all, now Stills again, as at that time, can pass it. What is stopping him? Surely, Stills will be enough to talk to the right people, and they will tie him up, as there is nothing to do, and why they will find him.
“Black (23:38:20 05/11/2005):
Please tell me that you didn’t manage to make anything noticeable.”
Asking the question, Black realized how unlikely he was, he knew his friend too well to believe in his sound thinking and patience.
“Red (23:40:04 05/05/2005):
“Red (23:40:54 05/05/2005):
I posted their database on the Internet and left a message from us: /”
“Black (23 : 41: 05 05/11/2005):
What ?? Are you crazy? Fuck the message, then? How old are you? ”
“ Black (23:41:55 05/05/2005):
Did you forget what happened last time ?! ”
“ Red (23:42:07 05/05/2005):
don't worry. he will not do anything. for this is not imprisoned. just a joke "
Black turned off ICQ. “What an idiot you are,” he replied to Redu’s mind. But there was no further desire to talk further with him and explain something. He was tired of constantly trying to sensitize a friend.
It was useless.
Black lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. Surprisingly, but today he dreamed of not at all the usual nightmares, where he was imprisoned, interrogated or cut off his fingers in punishment for hacking, he saw Alina. The girl with whom he was brought by a maniac.
It was one of those dreams, waking up after which, with you there is a feeling of joy. You can not even remember the exact content, but the soul warms happiness. That is exactly what Black came to in the morning.
He was woken by a phone call. It was Green. He said he wanted to talk seriously.
At noon, they were sitting in a cafe.
“Cool number,” Green pointed out the black car.
He always paid attention to the numbers. Black remembered this friend's habit well. Beautiful icq number, car, phone, Black was sure if Green needed to buy himself a fake passport, then surely with a beautiful date of birth.
“100,” Green continued to admire.
- Yes, yes, when will you finally get tired of this? It seems to have matured already.
- Never, this is impossible.
Black grinned, he himself understood that this is only possible if the world ends, and Green simply has nothing to look at.
Tanned, well dressed. With his appearance, gestures and everything else, which is usually what makes up the first impression of a person, he didn’t look like a hacker at all. In fact, he was not them for a long time.
A child of rich parents who never knew what money problems are. Black sometimes wondered why he was doing this at all.
“Dear ...”, he thought, looking at his friend’s watch.
Green was very different from him with Red. Despite the fact that they had a small age difference, Black always treated him as more experienced. With some kind of exaggerated respect.
Black guessed why Green called him, it was evident that he was unhappy. When the silence was prolonged, he uttered.
- You wanted to talk about something.
“What you’ve done to Stealth’s site is unwise,” Green frowned.
"Well, it began," Black said, upset that he was right.
- You called me for it?
- Not only. You know, Black, a good carder or hacker would prefer not to glow. Do you understand what I mean?
Black nodded, he was aware of this himself, but decided to listen to the speech of a friend who seemed to enjoy teaching.
- Today everyone will be just what to say about your sink. I do not understand why it was reported that you did it? Do you need such fame? What do you want from life, Black? Bathe in cheap glory or make money? What is in the first place for you?
“Money,” he said, without hesitation.
“So why the hell are you doing this?” Understand, Stiles - he is no longer the last person in the world of carders, they trust him, and who are you ?! You are nobody!
- Do not you think that you are going too far? - Black was offended at the insult.
He felt unpleasant, because in fact he was not the one to blame, but Red, but he did not want to justify himself by accusing him of everything else, and Black decided to listen.
Green turned away. He was silent for a few minutes, wondering if he was picking up the right words to better give a thought.
It was the exact opposite of Red. Green is never in a hurry.
- Understand, Black, you are my friend. And I want to help you. If you are your own enemy, then I am powerless here, the choice is still yours.
Here it is. Said it suddenly and bluntly. What can be objected to such a statement?
- Choose, Black. Either you have been engaged in this nonsense all your life and have the fame of a hacker, or you take on the mind.
Black sipped his coffee.
He understood that Green was right, that it was too unwise even without taking into account that some maniac had helped them with burglary.
"Yes. I imagine that you say, knowing the whole story, ”thought Black with some sort of gloating.
- Um. I will correct, - he said.
- I know. If I had not seen the potential in you, I would not advise. How are you doing?
Black was embarrassed, things have been going badly lately. Working with carders was not as easy as it seemed. Although he managed to earn, but in the past six months, he has already been thrown several times. Everything was very inconstant.
- My advice to you, do not trust anyone, - as if having read his thoughts, said Green, - This is a cruel business, each only for himself. But still, do at least something, just do not waste time on idiocy, like the one you gave yesterday with Red.
- Good. I realized - Black was already starting to get angry. It is unpleasant when you are undeservedly reprimanded.
“But at the same time, do not forget that to think in terms of a pattern is the surest way to bring the matter down,” Green continued. “I think the person I just quoted quoted knew what he was talking about.
- What does this have to do with it?
- With that, if you want to achieve something in carding, business, anywhere, you have to understand, the main thing is to invent ideas yourself and not go by generally accepted ways, only this way you can go up to the very top, everything else is a struggle for a place pork trough. Nobody pokes your finger, that here you will earn a lot. Everyone wants to find some really profitable topic, someone succeeds, he raises a decent amount of money, but then it disappears and you have to look for a new one.
- Good. I will take your advice, have you philosophized something, are you starting a business training or something? Do you do stuff? ”Said Black, grinning. - How are you doing then?
It became obvious from Green's face, he realized that he had achieved his goal, so the guy happily switched to a conversation about himself.
- By the way, infobusiness is a good idea, you have to think, - he smiled, - And so, everything is fine, we are working. I decided to do some domains.
- Domains?
- Yes, why. You have no idea how profitable this investment is.
- Are you talking about the names of sites that anyone can register? Where is the benefit?
“Ha, how naive you are,” Green laughed, who clearly enjoyed being the speaker in the conversation. “The fact of the matter is that these are short ICQ numbers that anyone could register before, and how I traded them do you remember?
Green smiled, like a man immersed in pleasant memories.
- Beautiful short domain names are engaged, with time they appear in demand. For zone ru it is still relevant. Cybersquatting is a good topic. Do you know Volkov from Stills forum? He rose normally in his time after the dot-com bubble in 2000, when it was possible to buy domains on the cheap. Eh. Sorry, I was too small then.
- I see. Well, I will not argue.
Black was amazed at Green’s ability to think ahead, to see the benefits of what others would learn about only a few years later.
“It’s probably genes,” he reasoned about a friend’s success.
Green's dad was one of those entrepreneurs who managed to climb in the 90s. And although he left the family a long time ago, and Green himself said that he especially does not know his father that he only gives out money to his mother once a month, it seems that talent was inherited.
Green looked at his watch and said he had to go on business. He called the waitress and asked for a bill.
The educational conversation was over.
“Mission accomplished,” thought Black, looking after the departing car a few minutes later.
To be continued...
I thank everyone who participated in the discussion of the first chapter and pointed out the mistakes! Separately - Akela_wolf and MERRON for help in working on the text.
Since a couple of times already have questions, I’ll clarify that the story was originally called The Life of Carder Black, I am its author :)