TheLastRipper - ether grabber

    TheLastRipper is a free application with which you can record streaming audio from radio to mp3. In addition to downloading music, the program allows you to download album art and record ID3v1 tags in mp3 files. The resulting mp3s can be sorted by track, artist or album. It is also possible to create playlists.

    To work TheLastRipper you need to have an account at and its client. Grabber has versions for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. However, to install the latter two, you will need to download Mono (a free .NET implementation).
    TheLastRipper developers recommend that you familiarize yourself with the laws of your country before using the program. In Denmark (the birthplace of TheLastRipper), radio recording can only be used for personal purposes.

    You can download TheLastRipper from this page .

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