Ivan Sagalaev congratulates all web standardists on April 1st.

    According to Ivan himself, he is probably the most famous person in Runet, rather coldly referring to the benefits of XHTML, and DTD validation. However, it remains a very reputable IT specialist. And this morning, I find in his blog post with the following heading: "XHTML 2".

    Well, actually his post itself begins with the following words:
    read the comments here about my articles in the XHTML category and thought about them for a long time. On the one hand, of course, with browsers XHTML support, not everything is as good as we would like, and W3C, it seems, also does not put its own direction into this direction. weight ... But on the other hand, if anyone is “to blame” for this situation, then this is not W3C and certainly not XHTML itself, but those who all this time only promised that there will be XHTML someday, but nothing for this If we boldly began to use new standards, you look and wouldn’t sit now with the need to support HTML the next ten years.

    In short, I realized that I was wrong, and decided to take a step forward: transfer softwaremaniacs.org to XHTML. It turned out pretty easy, though not on the whole site. Details more ... "

    The full text is here: softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2007/04/01/switching-to-xhtml2

    I have not studied XHTML2 thoroughly yet, but I dare to safely assume that we see it on the note page. By the way, FF, Opera 8.5-9.1 correctly displayed the page, however, Opera 9.1 document at first appeared unstyled and only after 1-2 seconds the styles were applied. Surprisingly, IE6.0 displayed the document, although not quite correctly, but made it impossible to navigate the site.

    Conclusions? The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. And this is XHTML2, so no one bothers you to put into practice XHTML1.0 -1.1, even IE6, except for your laziness, gentlemen.

    So, thank you Ivan for the demo of XHTML 2.0! And about the fact that you changed your mind about the application of HTML / XHTML in practice ... and you from the first of April !!! %)

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