GetRight 6.2

    I'm afraid to lie, but I personally used GetRight from my very first Internet connection, for about six years, until at one point I completely switched to Download Master .

    What is GetRight? This is a file download manager, time-tested and world-famous, a pioneer in introducing many functions that later became mandatory for programs of this kind. Multi-threaded downloads, computer shutdown automation, built-in mirror search, integration into all modern browsers, understanding of services like Rapidshare, support for the p2p protocol of BitTorrent and everything, everything, everything, especially in the Pro version .

    Download GetRight 6.2:
    - (4.65Mb, standard version)
    - (5.24Mb, Pro version ).

    In version 6.2, the following changes : increased stability, improved compatibility with Windows Vista and a new feature that allows you to pass the time by playing simplified versions of arcade games from right in the download window

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