will sell music by independent authors

    Ex-producer of the tATu group, Ivan Shapovalov, in an interview with Forbes magazine, declared himself a co-owner of the online store , saying that he is going to promote the music of independent artists at the facilities of this resource. For these purposes, an independent music center “Icebreaker” is being created.

    “In the context of direct online sales, it is not always wise to work with production centers, whose rates are often simply predatory,” Shapovalov explains the decision to settle with the project on the Internet. According to him, not all musicians write music for the sake of money, and they have no desire to get involved in the complex work of show business - "but just to sell their music - why not?"

    At the same time, the producer noted that direct sales on the Web bring musicians a comparatively higher income: “For example, we pay 50% of turnover, unlike producer 14%, since we do not have gigantic expenses for administrative needs and promotion.”

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