Neptune: a tool for GTD

    By my nature, I am a basalaber person and inclined to postpone for the day after tomorrow everything that cannot be postponed until tomorrow. A couple of months ago, my friends drove me into a corner and made me read " Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity ". The network has enough materials about this technique and I will not campaign for its use - I can only say that it helps even me.

    It will be more about tools. I relate to those who work mainly with the computer and the "classic" implementation with its folders and cards definitely bores me. Over the past month I have tried a sufficient number of programs designed to work with the GTD technique - from Outlook Dashboard to GTDMail. As a result, I settled on a very convenient, easy and intuitive Neptune .

    Navigation is thoughtful and convenient: at the beginning are the most popular Today / Inbox / Reminders / Events.

    In Today, you see a summary of Next Actions. It is automatically entered into it:

    1. The very first un done things from each project.
    2. Reminders and events filtered by current date.

    The Inbox interface actually consists of two parts: you use the bottom of the window to submit new things to Inbox. The upper part is for sorting things. Moreover, according to the canons of GTD, submissions are immediately swallowed by the inbox and only one thing is always available for sorting. You can either do it right away and click Done, or with one click transfer it to the desired project or to one of the Reminders, Waiting for, Someday sections, or simply to Trash.

    Section Reminders in its use is similar to Inbox, but it is convenient in order to set reminders for yourself. “Pay for gas and electricity in February”, etc. Well, Event is used to bring in things that need to be done without fail on the specified day and nothing else.

    Following is a list of projects, and it’s very easy to create new projects or delete completed ones. Unfortunately, neptune does not have a separate section for storing reference documents, but they can be attached to the project. In principle, it suited me. You can create a text document directly in neptune or upload any existing file. Of course, at any time you can get the file back or delete it.

    If you open a project, then the to-do list of this project becomes visible. The first of them “glows” in the inbox. The list can be reordered, add or delete cases.

    Following the list of projects is a list of contexts. There are built-in contexts (Waiting for, Someday) and pseudo-context Archive. In addition, you can freely create and delete your own contexts.

    In all sections except inbox, one-click sending of the contents of the section to e-mail is supported. In addition, you receive a mailbox on the site and letters sent to it get into Inbox. Alas, without attachments.

    There are other sad points. There are no agents. The PDF generation function does not support the Russian language. In addition, it was not possible to find a way to create a local buck. Perhaps, the opportunity to delegate the work to another person is also lacking.

    But overall I like it. I would be glad if the reviews include links to other online GTD tools.

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