About Payments
Since several topics were written about payments to habralyuds at once, I am in a hurry to inform you: an agreement has already been reached with the Runner on a mechanism for deductions to the authors through this system, moreover, such a mechanism is already ready by the Runner (it can be turned on right now), but it’s not ready with ours, since droganov changed the initial plan right today - in the comments on the topic of payments he wrote that the Google Adsense can also be used for deductions - we will work on this right from today. Still wondering if such a scheme is possible with Direct? So that registered users can insert Yandexoids code into their pages on the site, for the breadth of choice. Thus, authors will be able to embed either Runner (which has already been decided), or Adsense (which is being decided), or Direct (which is not yet clear) in their content. As more like it. At the same time, we will collect statistics on which contextual system is best for communities (and payments to community authors).