Why do many Tesla customers abandon their backup efforts

Original author: Phillip Vetter
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Tesla automaker marks 276,000 orders in three days on Model 3. An impressive number. Although many of those who ordered may soon refuse to purchase. There are several reasons for this.

Photo Associated Press

This behavior, like Tesla's, is typical for most start-ups when it comes to numbers. Since last Thursday, the chief and founder of the company, Elon Musk, has been unusually talkative. Constantly updating the data, he shares on Twitter the number of “ordered” copies of the new Model 3. The last figure as of Sunday was 276 thousand copies in just three days.

It’s an impressive figure, because over the past 4 years, 107,000 cars around the world have been produced and sold. In this regard, a question arises in connection with what these orders are in relation to the existing situation.

At first glance, everything looks quite clear: just register through the website and also pay, depending on the region, 1000 Euros or 1000 dollars to get on the Model 3 waiting list. The representative of Tesla in Germany called it a “deposit”. Later this amount will be transferred to the purchase of the car. The total cost of the car will be 35 000 dollars (31 000 Euro), but delivery - the end of 2017.

Money can be taken at any time.

Chef Tesla Musk uses the word “order” on Twitter, which translates as “order”. But if you read the terms of use, it turns out that this is not an order, but a reservation. Clause 3 of the conditions reads “these reservations guarantee your priority within your region, but not the purchase or order of a vehicle”.

To do this, the client must conclude a separate purchase agreement when the actual production of the car begins. “Prior to concluding a purchase agreement, your reservation may be canceled at any time, in which case your reservation funds will be fully refunded.” Therefore, this procedure is not binding since the money can be returned at any time.

According to a Tesla spokeswoman, customers chose a similar model for previous models S and X. However, the company did not disclose information about how many reservations turned into a purchase. If the reservation is broken, Tesla returns 1000 Euros in a short time. Despite the fact that such a deposit is a very convenient thing for the automaker, in the end he receives an interest-free loan from potential customers. With 276,000 reserved copies, this is more than $ 276 million.

Although Musk tweeted other numbers on Friday: “180,000 Model 3 orders in 24 hours. "The selling price with an average filling of $ 42,000 means about $ 7.5 billion in one day.” But this is true only if each reservation becomes an order. But it is very unlikely

End of US subsidy period

First of all, in the USA, many potential buyers refuse to buy before the start of Model 3. deliveries. There is one simple reason for this - the buyer of an electric car in the USA receives state support in the amount of $ 7,500, which is deducted from income taxes. But such a subsidy is accrued until the automaker sells 200,000 cars. Then it is no longer charged. [ the author is a little wrong here. First half a year 3750 dollars, then another six months 1875 - approx. translator ]

Most American Model 3 buyers will therefore receive nothing. Tesla is now approaching the milestone of 200,000 cars. By the end of 2016, 197,000 Tesla cars should be sold according to company estimates. Although not all of them will be sold in the USA, about half will go to the US market.

This will mean that at the end of this year half of the capacity for state support will be selected, while the production of Model 3 will begin only at the end of 2017. With continued growth in S and X production, support may end just before the start of Model 3 shipments.

Many potential buyers may not want to pay a larger bill, as a car will be more expensive than a regular ICE car. Also until today it is not clear whether it will be possible to charge Model 3 at Tesla's charging stations. It can also negatively affect cost comparisons.

As for the subsidy problem, Musk tweeted, “Our production plan should make it possible to get subsidies for a large number of non-X / S wallets.” How exactly this will happen he did not write. Then Tesla again became a company with classified data.

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