Kirill Tolkachev and Maxim Gorelikov about Spring Boot on

    At a meeting of the Moscow Java developers community on June 28, 2019, traditionally in the office of CROC , Kirill Tolkachev and Maxim Gorelikov presented their report on Spring Boot : what tasks can be solved with it, what difficulties can arise and how to deal with them.

    About speakers

    Cyril and Maxim, until recently, worked in Alpha Labs , now they represent the CIAN . Both participate in various conferences as speakers. Cyril the fourth time speaking at . In previous times, he made two presentations with Alexander Tarasov ( once and twice ) and once with Baruch Sadogursky .

    Links to Cyril accounts: Twitter , GitHub , Speaker Deck and Habr ; Maxima: Twitter , GitHub and Speaker Deck .

    Cyril's reports for the time that has passed since his last speeches on :

    • “Boot yourself, Spring is coming” Kirill Tolkachev and Evgeny Borisov ( Joker 2017 : presentation , video part 1 and part 2 )
    • “Pride, vanity, money: HR marketing through the eyes of the developer” ( Cargo Cult 2018 : presentation , video )
    • “Testing and crying with the Spring Boot Test” ( Heisenbug 2018 : presentation , video )
    • “Reactive or not reactive, that’s the question” Kirill Tolkachev and Evgeny Borisov ( JPoint 2019 : presentation )

    Maxim reports:

    • “Reactive System Design for Spring 5 / Reactor” ( Joker 2017 : presentation , video )
    • “Evolution of a synchronous system with Spring 5 / Project Reactor” ( JUG.EKB-2018 : video )

    Joint reports by Cyril and Maxim:

    • “Spring Boot Starter: how and why?” ( : video )
    • “Spring Boot Starter - How and Why?” ( JBreak 2018 : presentation , video )
    • “Micronaut vs Spring Boot, or Who is the smallest here?” ( Joker 2018 : presentation , video )

    About the report

    Andrei Kogun precedes the meeting with announcements of upcoming conferences ( TechTrain 2019 , Joker 2019 ) and represents the speakers. In the first part, we examined the criteria for choosing tools for writing services, talked about changing the perception of Spring Boot by Java developers, and reviewed the structure and contents of a typical Spring Boot application. Mentioned about problems with various versions of API services and explained the reasons for the possible appearance of their own starters. In the second part, we talked about “smart” libraries, about testing, about various problems that arise in practice and possible solutions, about other alternative frameworks with respect to Spring Boot

    . At the end, summarized and given general advice. The meeting was accompanied by asking questions from the audience during the report, during the break and after the speech. All comers could in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere communicate both with the speakers and with each other. Presentation of the report , the video will appear soon (see links below). Links for :

    • TimePad - announcements of meetings and registration for them, subscription to a notification by mail about meetings
    • YouTube - Video Reports
    • Speaker Deck - Presentations
    • VK - meeting announcements, photo reports, links to materials of past meetings
    • Twitter : account (announcements of meetings, photo reports, videos) and hashtag (tweets with comments about meetings)
    • Habr - reviews of meetings, you can find all the reviews by tag

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